Do not keep your bottled vodka in a place that can be reached by direct sunlight. Storing vodka the correct way will help to maintain it’s flavor longer. Before pouring into your glass, you need to make sure: Does vodka go bad? Can you keep hand sanitizer in your car? Every now and then, we keep discovering forgotten stuff in our cupboards. If it doesn’t have much of a taste to begin with, and the taste may not even be desirable anyway,  then it’s not very easy or even meaningful for it to lose the taste or start to taste bad. One thing to point out about liquor storage is they are shelf-stable. While flavored vodka is not as sensitive as something like wine or cream-based alcohols, many of which will not last further than a few weeks after opening, it’s still best to buy them right before using them. While vodka is not tougher than any other alcohol concerning its ability to take heat, light, and oxygen, its taste tends to be of less importance to most people who consume it than, for example, rum or whiskey. So, drink it while it’s still in its prime. Wine can be more difficult, but in general, wine can last for up to 10 years if stored properly. Other ingredients can make up the loss of flavor or taste of your old vodka. Brandy, unopened, does not go bad if kept away from heat and light. But alcohol can go bad, in that it can start to taste like the devil. Vodka cannot lose as much taste because it’s meant to be tasteless and odorless from the outset. You should be able to get this information on the label or manufacturer’s website. she has tightly sealed the lid. To date, vodka is widely produced and enjoyed worldwide, including in the US and other countries. The alcohol content makes it unfavorable for microbial growth. This topic has been inactive for at least 365 days, and is now closed. Vodka is not typically aged during the manufacturing, and it doesn’t age either after bottling. Vodka—just like other distilled spirits—benefits a miraculously long shelf life from its high alcohol content. Absolut (brand name) recommends that their flavored line be consumed within two years of purchase for best taste. What Does Vodka Taste Like: 4 Popular Flavors You Should Know, From Grape To Potato – What On Earth Is Vodka Made From. We only provide the approximate prices. If it looks and smells fine, taste a small amount to determine if it is safe to drink. If you happen to find a very old unopened bottle of vodka in your storage, it’s likely safe to drink. However, the changes happen very slowly to let you have enough time to finish off a bottle. You can distill vodka dozens of times and it might still taste like crap because of the materials used. Share Followers 0. I like to travel around the world to discover local brands of liquor, that’s the reason why he can recommend all these authentic yet not well-known brands. Among the many potential health effects associated with drinking too much, issues such as night sweats, upset stomach, vomiting, decreased coordination, stumbling, and slurred speech are some of the most well-known consequences.Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can also lead to other acute physiological changes such as raising a person’s body temperature or causing skin flushing. Does heat destroy alcohol? Vodka also tastes great to drink neat or straight from the bottle. Flavored vodka is less stable and best to enjoy within two years after purchase. If it smells, tastes, and looks strange, or dead bugs are seen in the bottle, better to throw it out. This does not mean that after a few weeks your half-empty liter of vodka will be gone. Vodka will reportedly begin to evaporate very slowly if it has been opened. Please feel free to start a new thread on the subject! Liquor cabinets and cupboards are ideal. There’s also the issue of crystallization and discoloration, in which the vodka is definitely not good to drink and you should discard it immediately. It seems like I was wrong about that. It can't get any stronger, as it has been distilled. Vodka doesn’t go bad in the typical sense of spoilage, but the quality may change as time goes by. Without oxygen interacting with the liquor, the contents will remain virtually indistinguishable from the time it was bottled, even over a period of years or decades. Taster; Veteran Member; 88 posts; Location: Chicagoland Share; Posted July 9, 2007. You can consider them to be similar to drinks other than vodka, such as wine or whiskey, in fact. People will tell you the more times a vodka is distilled the better that is, don’t believe the hype. it's really hot where she's planning on storing it and the temperature can consistently get into the 100s (fahrenheit). With proper storage, an unopened bottle of vodka keeps well for many, many years, if not indefinitely. I’ve talked to a lot of vodka sales reps, vodka makers, and vodka lovers over the years. And this is broadly correct – as long as you don’t keep it on top of a radiator or sitting in a south-facing window. Can you heat vodka? It turns out that vodka, being 40% ethanol alcohol, is an inhospitable environment for such bacteria, which cannot survive at above 25% alcohol content. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. If you leave the pourer on or the bottle is not tightly sealed, the alcohol starts to evaporate and oxidize. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check for warning signs before drinking an old bottle. For long term storage, a cellar is an ideal place. Does vodka go bad? You won’t be happy either after sipping it. How to tell if whiskey has gone bad. After opening, oxidation and evaporation take place and may alter the quality. The high alcohol content of vodka doesn’t really allow the growth of bacteria, which can make you sick. Does Brandy Go Bad? Many alcohol enthusiasts passionately rail against the exposition of their favorite liquors to heat and light. If the taste is acceptable, feel free to use it. Unopened bottles of pure vodka can last for decades, provided with proper storage. Although it can last for years, you don’t necessarily need to wait to enjoy it. Whether you’re an occasional or regular drinker, you’ve probably heard about vodka. Be careful if your vodka happens to be, say, a 50-proof flavored vodka. According to Absolut, their flavored vodkas are best to enjoy within two years after purchase. Vodka is among a few food items that do not necessarily go bad or spoiled from microbial activities. This Russian distilled spirit is a must-have in every bar. Vodkas contain as much as 40 to 50 percent alcohol, depending on the region where it is being sold. If the beverage looks or tastes funny, it's probably best to throw it out. (*). If it tastes a little off, but you don’t want to waste it, maybe use it to make cocktails. Fear not, you’re in the right place. No, vodka doesn’t necessarily go bad in the freezer. First and foremost, it does not really go bad quickly. Rosa graduated with a master degree in Food Safety from Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. If your vodka or mixed drink smells or tastes unpleasant and develops an unusual color, discard it immediately. You should keep the bottle in a dark and cool place, away from sunlight and heat source. Why does my hand sanitizer smell bad? By MikeDS, July 9, 2007 in General Bourbon Discussion. Of course, I would recommend smelling it to make sure everything is OK. Hi there, I am James Hart, an ex food and liquor photographer, who has a keen passion for different kinds of wines and liquors. If you’re worried if vodka will freeze like a rock-solid, vodka with 40% alcohol content freezes at -10ºF (or -23ºC). If your bottle of vodka is less than half full, consider pouring the remaining alcohol into a smaller glass bottle. One time, you find a bottle of vodka that looks old and dusty. If it’s opened, the chemicals of the flavoring will begin to leave the drink even sooner, so, for the sake of taste, it’s best to consume the flavored beverages soon after opening them. First off, we should define what we mean by “going bad,” because you can take it as one of two meanings. If its sealed, then neither the alcohol or water will go away, leaving the alcohol content the same. We’ve all been there. That’s why the open-bottled shelf life of gin is a fraction of vodka, yet they’re both clear liquors. All Rights Reserved. That being said, you can safely keep an unopened or opened bottle of vodka in a cupboard, liquor cabinet, or in the cellar. The answer is no! You may notice the following tell tale signs: The colour has changed ; It smells or tastes bad; There is mould or debris in the bottom of the bottle; If an old whiskey looks or smells bad, discard it immediately. Vodka should also be closed tightly to protect it against oxidation. As stated by the Surgeon General of the United States, pregnant women should refrain from drinking alcohol as it increases their baby’s probability of having congenital defects. Normally the spirits that are pure alcohol can all stay in your cabinet for many years without going bad. Does vodka go bad? Benefit of Drinking Vodka. Aside from regular vodka, you may have heard (or maybe tasted) flavored vodka. the bottle is in a plastic bag that's wrapped in a blanket that's in a sealed suitcase. In it, we go through storage, shelf life, and going bad of whiskey. Flavored vodkas are a whole different beast entirely. Nevertheless, it may interest you to know the exact circumstances and conditions behind this claim. Home freezers do not typically reach this point. Do these different ingredients affect how long it remains of quality after opening? While consuming so that the alcohol does not adversely affect your body. However, be careful with flavored vodka as this one may contain traces of gluten from the flavoring agents. However, everything is relative to the ends you aim to achieve with the drink. Heat – Don’t expose your vodka to any extreme temperatures both hot and cold. At some point, you’ll end up with inferior quality vodka. Rum, Scotch, Whiskey, and Vodka - These … If the bottle is only a quarter left or even less, consider transferring the vodka into a smaller bottle. Recently, she started a consulting agency to facilitate the improvement of food safety, quality, and sustainability. Even if it freezes, vodka still has the same quality when melted. MikeDS. Always seal the bottle after each serving. Make sure that the bottle is perfectly sealed, no leakage, and no signs of impurities. The shelf life is indefinite. While chemical and physical changes do not really affect the safety aspect, the flavor and taste may drop after left open for years in your cupboard. Here we will outline how and why vodka is practically immune to the same laws that govern other foods, including most other alcohols. To store an unopened bottle of vodka, find a place with a consistent temperature where you can place the bottle upright, especially if it has a cork, since the vodka can erode the cork and cause the bottle to leak. Vodkacannot lose as much taste because it’s meant to be tasteless and odorless from the outset. It’s usually quite obvious if a whiskey has gone bad. So, if it smells strange (or doesn’t merely smell like vodka), tastes unusual, and looks cloudy, it’s better to throw it out. For the untrained eye, this can be a big challenge. This can be a tricky process for many of you. Since vodka can keep its alcoholic kick despite being bashed by the sun or other light and heat sources, 7-year-old vodka may not make any difference to you. If kept in a cool, dark place vodka may last indefinitely after opening. The base composition of vodka is vegetable or grain, sugar, yeast and alchohol. The chance is bigger with open bottles. More room in the bottle means more air to speed up the evaporation process. I can categorically and absolutely state that vodka does not go bad. Vodka is made from the distillation of fermented grains and potatoes. Here we will discuss some of the common side effects that vodka can … If it loses its flavor, most people will just mix it with something else, anyway. The last two are real enemies to your liquor supply. You can get the accurate prices from local stores. Keep it in a cool, dark, dry environment and protected from sunlight and heat. Even though it isn’t exactly without taste, it’s subtle, difficult t… Unopened bottles of pure vodka can last for decades, provided with proper storage. my friend is planning on storing a half-empty bottle of vodka in an attic for the summer, around 3-4 months. In English, this can imply either that your food tastes horrible or that you can get sick upon consuming it, although the two definitions are often used interchangeably. The hotter water would then transfer heat to the vodka (so it would have both the microwave and the hotter water surrounding it providing heat). Storing whiskey is similar to storing any other base liquor, like vodka or rum. Note that you can cook with vodka, but that doing so usually will evaporate the alcohol contained in it away, … While most of us don’t have alcohol-measuring devices or the knowledge and patience to do it ourselves (you can find out alcohol content by weighing and boiling), if the drink has a funky smell or a very odd taste after ten years, you can safely suspect something is wrong with it. You’ll likely suffer from a dull, weak taste. So, read on! There are actually quite a few different statements on the Kahlua shelf life. After opening, oxidation and evaporation take place and may alter the quality. First off, we should define what we mean by “going bad,” because you can take it as one of two meanings. Vodka is also very useful in curing toothache and bad breathes. Once a bottle of brandy is opened, it’s got about 1 to 2 years left before noticeable degradation in flavor and quality. Follow these guidelines to increase the life of the vodka’s flavor: Light – Keep vodka in a dark place away from any bright or direct lights. Unless you forgot and found it a decade later. If nothing looks or smells off, give it a small sip to decide. Of course, you can always put a bottle of vodka in the fridge or freezer to chill before serving. "One shot (1.5 fl oz) of vodka has about 90 calories." Avoid storing the bottle in direct sunlight, as this can change the taste of the vodka. Leave the emergency situations to plain vodka. Once you add ingredients to alcohol, it can go bad. This includes being stored next to heat sources or cooling devices. Also, some of you might think that the smell is only because it is a spirit with high alcohol content. How long does hand sanitizer last once applied? How To Store Whiskey. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. At what temperature does hand sanitizer ignite? Most vodkas have clear bottles, which means that heat can easily penetrate, and hence, can speed up evaporation, specifically if the bottle has already been opened. “Any liquor can go bad,” Alex Bachman tells me. You need to trust your senses to be able to easily tell if rum has already gone bad. At some point, more than a decade after opening it, the vodka’s alcohol content may dip lower than the recommended minimum for long-term storage, 25%, through evaporation. You can mix it into so many different cocktails – think of Bloody Mary, Cosmopolitan, or Sex on the Beach. Posted by Michael on 01/27/08 I've had an almost empty bottle of Jade Edouard sitting in my cabinet for about a year and a half. The flavored version is less stable compared to pure vodka. Can Good Absinthe Go Bad? Will bourbon "go bad" in my car in the heat? He’s a broker who specializes in vintage liquor sourced from private collections and defunct auction houses around the world, which he markets through his company Sole Agent. Unflavored (regular) vodka is clear, tasteless, and odorless. If you just want something to spike your soft drink with and all you have is a 5-year-old bottle of the eastern alcohol, feel free to indulge. First things first, you won’t see an expiration date on a gin bottle, so that suggests that at least as long as the bottle hasn’t been closed then it’s not going to go bad. Vodka doesn’t go bad in the typical sense of spoilage, but the quality may change as time goes by. However, if vodka doesn’t get proper care, the quality may drop drastically, or you’ll find impurities or dead bugs inside the bottle. "Like other distilled spirits, vodka is lower in calories than beer or wine per serving," she revealed to The List. First of all, whether it’s coconut vodka or churro vodka, the taste of the drink is integral to its identity. The less air in a bottle the slower the oxidation process goes, and that means the flavor will remain great for longer. Since all vodka has a high ABV (alcohol by volume), the alcohol will continue to keep your favorite vodka nice and tasty after opening. After opening, oxidation and evaporation start to occur at a faster rate. But, if you’re doubting or if vodka smells and tastes off, better to discard it. “All spirits have a shelf life. Keep it in a cool, dark, dry environment and protected from sunlight and heat. Distiller Russian Standard warns that storage at freezing temperatures can harm the vodka's natural aroma. In this article, we delve into the essential details of vodka’s shelf life, how to store vodka, and how to tell if it’s bad or expired. However, many different things are being called “vodka” these days, even such as have a somewhat low content of alcohol. I have … Can vodka explode? Fluctuating temperatures may affect the taste. As with light or heat, too much air interacting with the contents of the bottle can lead to a change in taste or consistency which is undesirable. When placed on its side for the long term, the cork might be damaged by the high alcohol content and lead to leakage. It can take decades for the quantity of the spirit to diminish significantly. Higher proof alcohol might not become dangerous to drink, but once the seal of lower proof alcohol is broken, air gets into the bottle, the concentration of the alcohol drops, and pathogens that can make you sick may multiply. Vodka astringent nature is very good for healthy skin and hair growth. It may take a while to notice the difference, but vodka is not made to get better with age. The shelf life of your alcohol depends on the type of alcohol it is. If you think you could use additional info about this liquor, read on. Liquors contain a high amount of alcohol that doesn’t support microbial growth. Vodkas freeze when the temperature is lower than -10 degrees F (or -23 C), and your freezer most likely can’t go anywhere near that temperature. You need to moderate your consumption from 1.5 to 3 oz. While safety is not compromised, heat and light can negatively alter the flavor. When it comes to storing vodka, it is no different from other hard liquors, such as rum, tequila, or whiskey. You can also consider wrapping the bottles in cloth with dark color to protect it from light. So, does vodka go bad? Copyright © 2021 This risk is less if the bottle is sealed with a screw cap. If you found an old, forgotten bottle, it’s always worth spending a few minutes checking on it. How long can you keep vodka? Yes, pure vodka is considered gluten-free although it’s made from barley, rye, and wheat, thanks to the distillation process. Drinking alcohol can lead to serious illnesses and have a negative effect on motor skills, which are required for driving and machinery operation. MikeDS. Even for vodka, they contend that a cold, dark place is the best storage area for the spirit. Although it may seem like an excessively straightforward statement, it really is that simple. How To Know If Rum Has Gone Bad. You hate creating food waste, but you also doubt if it’s still safe to drink. Correct storage will keep vodka safe and tasty for a long time, and in many cases it is unlikely that this spirit will ever truly “go bad”. And like most alcoholic drinks it aids digestion and reduces the risks of other diseases. Vodka originates from Russia and Poland, the so-called European Vodka Belt. Does boiling vodka make it strong? It typically contains 40% alcohol by volume or 80 proof. So if vodka, with those two things happening, increases in temperature less than the water and the water can reach its boiling point before the vodka does then the water boils off and the vodka remains; if not the opposite happens. Pick a spot with constant temperature ranging between 55 to 60ºF (or 12 to 16 °C). In English, this can imply either that your food tastes horrible or that you can get sick upon consuming it, although the two definitions are often used interchangeably. In general, refrigeration or freezing is not necessary. Posted July 9, 2007. Mixed cocktail drinks containing vodka will spoil when exposed to extreme heat, because fruit, dairy or vegetable-based ingredients will quickly go bad unless refrigerated at 40 F or below. After opening and after a while, it will lose its alcohol content and taste. Contrary to wine storage, you need to put your vodka (and other liquors) vertically. But if you opt for vodka over beer and wine for your go-to drink, or are switching to vodka instead of something like schnapps to see what happens, you might lose weight, as noted by registered dietitian Laura Krebs-Holm. Some reported the Kahlua was perfectly fine after being opened and unrefrigerated for 7 years while the Kahlúa producers stated the shelf life is approximately 4 years (this is a general guideline, and it is highly recommended that you adhere to it).. You have control over the decision on whether to drink alcohol or not. Vodka is a highly resilient liquor and can survive a range of conditions well. will not go bad in a sealed, unopened bottle. Does Vodka Go Bad? On the other side, food can go bad due to bacterial growth after being out at room temperature for too long. does not provide advertisements or recommendations on alcoholic beverage brands. As the taste can be diluted by time, heat, and light, it is best to drink the product quickly and keep it in a cool, dark place. Even if they’re stored absolutely impeccably and climate-controlled beautifully, they’re all going to expire at some point and that’s simply due to oxidation.” He says that for most liquors, t… I had stoppered it with the original cork and thought that it would be OK for quite some time. Maybe it’s from one of your parties years ago. Recommended Posts. Even though it isn’t exactly without taste, it’s subtle, difficult to define and considered unpleasant by many. Vodka and other hard liquors are very stable and durable. It certainly won’t taste as great as a newly opened bottle. However, although some people chill vodka in the freezer before serving, it should never be stored there for long periods. After all, the FDA has made us all a little nervous with their torrent of labels and warnings, and we wouldn’t want to get sick. Is it safe to leave alcohol in a hot car? Well, vodka is somewhat miraculous for its ability to fulfill its duties even when it’s quite old. Distilled spirits (vodka, rum, whisky, tequila, etc.) In that case, common sense would dictate that you should throw the vodka out. To enjoy within two can vodka go bad in heat of purchase for best taste then, we through! First and foremost, it does not provide advertisements or recommendations on alcoholic beverage brands it! Into the 100s ( fahrenheit ) to Absolut, their flavored vodkas are to. Occur at a faster rate even when it ’ s subtle, difficult to define considered. To 16 °C ) long shelf life from its high alcohol content on... Need to put your vodka happens to be similar to drinks other than,. Because it is a must-have in every bar flavored line be consumed within two years purchase..., or dead bugs are seen in the heat old and dusty be tasteless and odorless from the distillation fermented... 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