Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Examples of Common Organic Reactions. Chain propagation: In this step monomers or repeating units attach to the molecular chain, propagating the chain length. In polymerization In addition polymerization, monomers react to form a polymer without the formation of by-products. Addition polymers form: when unsaturated carbon (organic) molecules react to form a long chain polymer molecule ; and no small molecules or atoms are eliminated during the reaction ; The general reaction can be represented as: Addition Polymerization. The termination step involves the reaction of a polymer chain radical with another free radical. Unless otherwise noted, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Cross-linking reaction of polyurethanes via allophanate bonds [40]. In addition polymers the repeating unit has the same atoms as the monomer because no other molecule is formed in the reaction. The viscosity of the resin decreases with increasing content of MPTS, whereas the thermal stability at high temperature increases [5,40,41]. Photoinitiated polymerization and crosslinking provide advantageous means over thermal-initiated polymerization, including fast and controllable reaction rates, and spatial and temporal control over the formation of the material, without the need for high temperatures or harsh conditions [1]. Unlike free radical polymerization termination, ionic polymerization termination cannot occur through direct combination as reaction between similar ions is not achievable. A polymer is a large molecule formed of many smaller molecules covalently bonded in a repeating pattern. Figure 7.2. In chain transfer, the growing activity of a polymer chain is transferred to previously inert species. These reactions typically use coordination catalysts like Zeigler-Natta catalysts. Addition polymerisation is usually classed as chain growth. As the polymerization occurs very fast, ionic polymerization generally produces linear polymer chains. Finally the polymerization is terminated through a coupling reaction with a second radical (another method of termination called disproportionation is possible but is not discussed here) to produce a polymer molecule containing monomer repeat units. Watch the recordings here on Youtube! There-fore, the main aim of this work is to optimize the polymerization conditions in bulk to provide a suit-able polymerization method for the main project. (2) ATRP can be viewed as a very special case of ATRA. (In practice, PET is synthesized by an ester interchange reaction between dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol, liberating methanol.) A polydispersity index of the terpolymer of 1.52 was found. Polyethylene can have different properties depending on the length of the polymer chains and on how efficiently they pack together. Some common products made from different forms of polyethylene include plastic bottles, plastic bags, and harder plastic objects such as milk crates. Polymers are the primary components of all sorts of plastics and related compounds. Molecules of ethene can polymerize with each other under the right conditions to form the polymer called polyethylene. Biuret bondings are formed at 100–140°C [111]. Furthermore, the products from each reaction are also difunctional, allowing further, similar reactions to gradually produce higher molecular weight linear polymer chains. Some of the uses of these polymers are in creating nonlinear properties such as porosity, selective optical activity, reactive networks, luminescence, and multifunctional materials [7]. Each time a free radical hits an ethene molecule a new longer free radical is formed. The uncontrolled polymerization of vinyl acetate in the presence of light solvents in The condensation is stopped, when a desired viscosity value is reached, by neutralizing the liquid resin. Scheme 9.1 shows the reaction mechanism of substituted alkene being polymerized by using titanium compound catalyst. Enzyme-initiated reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization provides a sustainable strategy for efficient production of well-defined polymers under mild conditions. Describes the reaction steps in addition polymerization, using free radical polymerization as an example. The small unsaturated starting molecules are referred to as monomers, and they join together to form a long chain saturated polymer. Wales. The more links are added to longer the chain grows. Conditions The double or triple bonds break and the electrons are then used to form new bonds. However, in many cases, a fourth step, namely, chain transfer, is also included. Coordination polymerization is another variant of addition polymerization which is neither free radical nor simply ionic. The over-all process is known as free radical addition.. Chain initiation. Addition polymerization occurs in three steps: initiation, propagation and termination. The chain is initiated by free radicals, Ra, produced by reaction between some of the ethene and the oxygen initiator.. Chain propagation. Progress in Polymer Science 2007, 32 (3) , 283-351. Difference Between Addition Polymerisation and Condensation Polymerisation Chain initiation—usually by means of an initiator which starts the polymerization process. Chain termination—the radical, cation, or anion is “neutralized”, stopping the chain propagation. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) ATRP is mechanistically related to transition metal mediated atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) reactions(1) and indeed this relationship was the reason this transition metal mediated controlled radical polymerization process was named ATRP. The repeating units represent monomers. DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2006.11.003. Chain termination by direct combination could be demonstrated as. if the polymer would branch or develop a long chain would depend upon three things, the catalyst used, the reaction conditions and the monomers used. The term elastomer is the modern word to describe a material that exhibits rubbery properties, i.e., it can recover most of its original dimensions after extension or compression. Michael Addition Polymerization (Conjugated Additon Reactions) The Michael addition reaction, also known as a conjugated addition, is a versatile method for the addition of various nucleophiles to (conjugated) unsaturated compounds with electron withdrawing substituents.This reaction was first discovered by Arthur Michael in 1887. The addition of new monomer units occurs one at a time via chain reaction. Step-growth polymerizations can be divided into two lasses: condensation and addition polymerization. Poly(dimethyl siloxane-acrylate) resins showed the best performance with respect to the monomer reactivity and the UV transparency of the polymer coating. Ionic repeating structures are highly reactive and have the ability to combine even at low temperatures and pressures compared to free radical polymerization. The structure of the polymer, i.e. A Free Radical Addition Reaction This page gives you the facts and a simple, uncluttered mechanism for the polymerisation of ethene by a free radical addition reaction. Polymerization produces macromolecules with furan rings pendant on the main chain. Controlling the amount of impurities or termination agents provides the means to control the average molecular weight of ionic polymerization reactions. Legal. The double bond of alkene will undergo cis addition and coordinate with the empty orbital of titanium compound to form four … The experimental model design proposed herein has proved to be an indispensable tool to rapidly and easily elucidate the optimal polymerization conditions in the preparation of tailor-made responsive materials for biomedical applications. Condensation and addition polymerization are the two most common methods for polymer synthesis. Once the growth of a chain is initiated by formation of an active center, chain propagation is usually rapid by addition of a sequence of monomers. The coordination polymerization of alkene can be preceded either by monometallic mechanism or bimetallic mechanism depending on the catalyst. Styrofoam materials do not break down quickly under exposure to the elements. The condensation of monomers from renewable resources, 2-furfural, vanillin, and 4-hydroxyacetophenone, at 80 °C in the presence of potassium hydroxide gives an amorphous polymer resin with a yield of 85% [10]. During the polymerization process, the double bonds in the alkenes break and they all join together to form a large molecule. Addition polymerizations usually are carried out in the presence of catalysts, which in certain cases exert control over structural details that have important effects on the properties of the polymer. Key points from AS - Addition polymerisation of alkenes; Notice that n monomer molecules produce one polymer molecule with n repeat units. An acylphosphine oxide proved to be the best suited because of its high reactivity, fast photolysis, and lack of absorption of the by-products of photo curing at the wavelength of operation [24]. Polymers generally form either from an addition reaction or a condensation reaction. To avoid termination due to impurities, extremely clean environments are needed to perform these reactions [3]. High molecular weight chains are produced rapidly, and new chains are constantly being initiated. Daniel E. Heath, Stuart L. Cooper, in Biomaterials Science (Third Edition), 2013. Addition polymerization takes place when the monomer molecule contains double carbon bonds, as in alkenes, or triple carbon bonds, as in alkynes. polymerization has several advantages over other living polymerization methods (e.g., anionic) including the tol-erance to a wide range of monomers with various func-tional groups, facile copolymerization, undemanding reaction conditions and feasibility in the presence of water. In the repeat unit In the repeat unit above shown the R group may differ. Poly(ethene) is the polymer. Many of the plastics discussed in later chapters of this book are formed in this manner. In addition polymerization, there are three distinct steps. Addition polymers can also be made by chain reactions that proceed through intermediates that carry either a negative or positive charge. The macro-RAFT agents were then shown to have similar efficiency in terms of reinitiating and controlling the polymerization of styrene in dispersion polymerization. An addition polymer is a polymer formed by chain addition reactions between monomers that contain a double bond. Cross-linking via biuret and allophanate at elevated temperatures (130–150°C) undergoes partially reversible dissociation. Ionic polymerizations are more highly selective than radical processes due to strict requirements for stabilization of ionic propagating species [3]. Polymerization is a process by which an organic compound reacts with itself to form a high‐molecular‐weight compound composed of repeating units of the original compound. In addition polymerization the growth of the polymer chain proceeds exclusively by reaction(s) between monomer(s) and reactive site(s) on the polymer chain. An addition polymer is a polymer formed by chain addition reactions between monomers that contain a double bond. The vinyl addition polymerization is preferably carried out under dilute reaction conditions. When the chain reaction is initiated and carried by negatively charged intermediates, the reaction is known as anionic polymerization. Missed the LibreFest? The larger the angle between two subterminal benzene rings, the more favourable are the conditions for addition polymerization in this form of microstructure. DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2006.11.003. These pendants could be different in structure and could be attached distinctly to the chain providing unique characteristics and appearance. nCH 2 = CH 2 → − (CH 2CH 2)n − Michael Addition Polymerization (Conjugated Additon Reactions) The Michael addition reaction, also known as a conjugated addition, is a versatile method for the addition of various nucleophiles to (conjugated) unsaturated compounds with electron withdrawing substituents.This reaction was first discovered by Arthur Michael in 1887. CH2=CH2 + CH2=CH2 + CH2=CH2 -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-. In organic chemistry, reactions are described which occur between different functional groups. The terpolymer strongly inhibits the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms, including Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and fungi [10]. In addition polymerization (sometimes called chain-growth polymerization), a chain reaction adds new monomer units to the growing polymer molecule one at a time through double or triple bonds in the monomer. Chain termination: The radical, cation, or anion is “neutralized,” stopping the chain propagation. Propagation - the new free radical compound interacts with another alkane, continuing the process of chain growth (second step above). Johannes Karl Fink, in Reactive Polymers Fundamentals and Applications (Second Edition), 2013. \[n \ce{CH_2=CH_2} \rightarrow \ce{-(CH_2CH_2)}_n-\]. Using the examples of polyethylene polymerization the three step of polymerization could be explained as follows [4–6]. Introduction. Termination occurs via disproportionation during which the growing chain reacts with impurities or other reagents that are specifically added to terminate the chain growth. There-fore, the main aim of this work is to optimize the polymerization conditions in bulk to provide a suit-able polymerization method for the main project. 1. These three steps constitute the normal step-growth polymerization process. The repeating units represent monomers. The main difference between addition and condensation polymerization is that in addition polymerization the polymers are formed by the addition of monomers with no by-products whereas in condensation polymerization, the polymers are formed due to the condensation more than one different monomers resulting in the formation of small molecules such as HCl, water, ammonia, etc., as by … 2.2. One of the pi electrons forms a single bond with the initiator while the other pi electron forms a new free radical on the carbon atom. The simplest type of addition polymerization is free radical polymerization in which a polymer is formed by successive addition of free radical building block. Polyisoprene is a polymer of isoprene and is better known as rubber. In coordination polymerization the monomers with side groups are attached to the growing chain in a highly defined spatial arrangement (stereoregular). Other articles where Addition polymerization is discussed: polymerization: In addition polymerization, monomers react to form a polymer without the formation of by-products. polymerization and properties of synthesized PA6 (S-PA6) is not described and optimized yet. 3.1. The polymer is a long chain molecule which is formed by joining many small molecules called monomers. In addition polymerization (sometimes called chain-growth polymerization), a chain reaction adds new monomer units to the growing polymer molecule one at a time through double or triple bonds in the monomer. Photo‐induced electron/energy transfer reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (PET‐RAFT) polymerization is particularly versatile owing to its oxygen tolerance and wide range of compatible photocatalysts. Photo‐mediation offers unparalleled spatiotemporal control over controlled radical polymerizations (CRP). The first involves chain or polyaddition polymerization, which is initiated by free-radical, cationic, or anionic promoters. Once a chain reaction gets started, it is able to keep itself going. During the polymerisation of ethene, thousands of ethene molecules join together to make poly(ethene) - commonly called polythene. Condensation polymerisation. Chain propagation—a monomer adds onto chain and each new monomer unit creates an active site for the next attachment. The reaction requires a catalyst; originally the catalyst was O 2, but an organic peroxide can be used. The small molecules which make up the polymer are called monomers. Gibbs free energy (∆G) depends on both parameters and is given by The second method is a polycondensation, also referred to as polymerization condensation. This step continues until the active site, which is continuously relocated at the end of the growing chain during propagation, is deactivated by chain termination or chain transfer. You should be able to draw a short section of a polymer given the monomer units (and vice versa). Min Wang, ... Haoran Sun, in Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, 2019, Addition polymerization, or chain reaction polymerization, requires the monomers to have at least one double bond. The C=C double bond in ethene is involved in the polymerisation reaction. Catalysts for the reaction are naphthenates, organolithium compounds such as n-butyllithium and 1,4-butylene dilithium [18], trace metals (Pb, Co, Zn, and Sn), water, or amines [115]. The chain initiation phase starts when an external initiator disintegrates into a reactive group (free radicals Ra*) and stimulates the double bond of the ethylene monomer to open up creating a molecule with an unpaired electron or active center [3]. Step-growth polymerizations can be divided into two lasses: condensation and addition polymerization. The main difference between addition and condensation polymerization is that in addition polymerization the polymers are formed by the addition of monomers with no by-products whereas in condensation polymerization, the polymers are formed due to the condensation more than one different monomers resulting in the formation of small molecules such as HCl, water, ammonia, etc., as by-products. FIGURE I.2.2.7. Coordination polymers have exceptional structural regularity, are linear, and high molecular mass [3]. For example, the formation of ((C3H6)n) polypropene from (C3H6) propene, and ((C2H4)n) polythene from (C2H4) ethene. Find my revision workbooks here: this video, we look at addition polymerisation. First the reaction is initiated by the production of free radicals through a peroxide decomposition. Addition polymerisation is the name given to a chemical reaction in which unsaturated monomers are joined, forming a polymer. It is produced naturally by rubber trees, but several variants have been developed which demonstrate improvements on the properties of natural rubber. The flexibility of such polymer-chain molecules is actually the result of the ability of the atoms comprising the chain to rotate around the simple bonds between them. A/AS level. This reaction results in the formation of another monomer, the chain reaction is started, and the addition continues with subsequent monomers. In turn, the urea group in the poly(urethane-ureas) can react with an isocyanate group, which causes cross-linking of polyurethane with biuret bonds (Figure 9.15) [2,51,100,103,111–113]. The polymerization process takes place in three distinct steps: 1. Terpolymer from 2-furfural, vanillin, and 4-hydroxyacetophenone [10]. ive got two text books. Coatings with 30% MPTS have especially good weather-resistant properties. Cross-linking with allophanate and biuret linkages may occur in whole polyurethane mass, at the appropriate ratio of the reactants, and at the proper temperature, or on the microscale level where in the reactive mixture, due to the exothermic reaction of isocyanate groups with hydroxyl or amine, it takes place with an insufficiently fast dissipation of heat, thus causing a local increase of temperature to about 100°C [114]. The polymerization reaction has exothermic nature because the process involves the formation of new bonds. Initiation - a free radical initiator \(\left( \ce{X}^* \right)\) attacks the carbon-carbon double bond (first step above). There are newer polymerization techniques that are known as “controlled living free radical polymerizations” (or CRP) where the growth, chain transfer, and termination reactions are controlled to yield polymers with a desired molecular weight and narrow PDI. In a simplified manor the process could be visualized as making a bicycle chain where each link is added one at a time on one or both ends of the chains. When buried in a landfill, styrofoam will remain intact for a long time. The reactive group can attach at either end of the growing chain [3]. The bulk polymerization of vinyl acetate is extremely violent and may generate a pressure surge to above 40 bar, a pressure exceeding most storage vessels pressure resistance. CK-12 Foundation by Sharon Bewick, Richard Parsons, Therese Forsythe, Shonna Robinson, and Jean Dupon. It could be observed that the polymer on the right of the arrow sign is formed by addition of the repeating units on the left of the arrow. Poly(ethene) or polytheneis one of the most commonly used synthetic polymers. Addition polymerization differs from condensation polymerization, which does co-generate a product, usually water. Functional groups are specific groups of atoms that determine the characteristics and chemical reactivity of the polymer influencing the processability and application of plastic products. The reader is referred to recent polymer textbooks (see Bibliography) for further reading on polymerization techniques. Some of the plastics made by addition polymerization include polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), acrylics, polystyrene, and polyoxymethylene (acetal). The influence of temperature is also studied to find the optimum polymerization temperature. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Laurence W. McKeen, in The Effect of Creep and Other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers (Third Edition), 2015. Polystyrene is used in insulation and in molded items such as coffee cups. This free radical is quite unstable but very reactive because of unpaired electrons in the molecule. These reactions may involve self-condensation of the furan monomers described above, as well as condensation reactions of such monomers with aminoplast resins, organic anhydrides, and aldehydes such as formaldehyde, ketones, urea, phenol, and other suitable reagents. Polymers consist of many repeating monomer units in long chains. The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. 2. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is extensively used for plumbing pipes. Polymerization that occurs through the coupling of monomers using their multiple bonds is called addition polymerization. Under the right conditions, Alkenes can undergo polymerisation. The propagation step could be demonstrated as follows: In this phase the process of chain growth terminates (stops). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The initiator could be a radical (free radical polymerization), cation (cationic polymerization, applicable to monomers with electron donating groups such as isobutylene), anion (anionic polymerization, applicable to monomers with electron withdrawing groups such as styrene, acrylonitrile, butadiene, acrylates, ethylene oxide, and lactones), and organometallic complex (coordination polymerization with Ziegler-Natta catalysts). Addition Polymerization. Anshuman Shrivastava, in Introduction to Plastics Engineering, 2018. During the addition polymerization, all monomers are consumed and no byproducts are formed. In this lesson we will consider alkene monomers. An addition polymer is a polymer that forms by simple linking of monomers without the co-generation of other products. Progress in Polymer Science 2007, 32 (3) , 283-351. 1 In the case of a condensation reaction, two monomers combine with the loss of a small molecule, usually an alcohol, a water or an acid molecule, whereas an addition reaction involves only the rearrangement of the electrons of a double bond to form a single bond with another molecule. In general, allophanate bonds are formed at temperatures of 120–140°C [17], but in the literature there is also given temperatures of 90°C [115]. Homopolymers – The formation of addition polymers due to the polymerization of single polymeric species is called homopolymer. Under nearly anhydrous conditions a very long chain polymer called polyisobutylene is formed. Several other kinds of unsaturated monomers can be polymerized and are components in common household products. In addition polymerization, no molecule is eliminated and no by-product is generated. The net result is shown in Figure 1.38. RAFT (Reversible Addition Fragmentation chain Transfer) polymerization is a reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP) and one of the more versatile methods for providing living characteristics to radical polymerization. The active center is not consumed during this reaction, and will continue reacting with carbon double bonds until it is terminated. The content of free formaldehyde can be lowered by the addition of urea at the late stages of synthesis. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers (Third Edition), Introduction to Creep, Polymers, Plastics and Elastomers, The Effect of Creep and Other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers (Third Edition), Coordination polymerization is another variant of, Kato et al., 1995; Wang and Matyjaszewski, 1995, Reactive Polymers Fundamentals and Applications (Second Edition), Weather-resistant resin coatings can be prepared by an, Helena Janik, ... Justyna Kucinska-Lipka, in, Handbook of Thermoset Plastics (Third Edition), Comprehensive Polymer Science and Supplements, Reactive Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (Third Edition). Polymerization conditions were evaluated using response surface method (RSM) to optimize the … In initiation an active free radical is created by a chemical. The initiation phase usually involves monomers with a double or triple bond (unsaturated carbon–carbon). Addition polymerizations usually are carried out in the presence of catalysts, which in certain cases exert control over structural details that have important effects on the properties of the … Figure 9.14. Addition polymerisation. There is no good way to recycle Styrofoam at present, but someday a creative scientist may come up with one. The most common way of creating polymers is through addition polymerization, a process that involves three steps, namely, polymer initiation, addition, and termination. Copolymers – The formation of addition polymers which occur due to by additio… Each addition of a repeating unit to the growing chain regenerates reactive site at the end of each growth step and the polymerization proceeds through repeated addition process [1]. Read "Kinetic Analysis of Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerizations: Conditions for Inhibition, Retardation, and Optimum Living Polymerization, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. For more information contact us at [email protected] or check out our status page at Addition polymerisation Addition polymerisation is a process involving many small, unsaturated monomers combining to form one large polymer molecule. The polymerization process takes place in three distinct steps: Chain initiation: Usually by means of an initiator which starts the polymerization process. Cross-linking reaction of polyurethanes via biuret bonds [40]. Chain termination: In this step the chain growth is terminated through neutralization of the reactive center. The addition of initiators or other approaches such as absorption of heat, light or irradiation can trigger the initiation process. The addition of new monomer units occurs one at a time via chain reaction. Addition (chain-growth) polymerization is characterized by its exothermic nature with enthalpy of polymerization in the range of 15-20 kcal/mole depending on the monomer structure and the employed polymerization conditions 2, 3. Isoprene and is characterized by the production of well-defined polymers under mild conditions demonstrate on... Desired viscosity value is reached, by neutralizing the liquid resin the type... A typical addition polymerization ethene molecule a new longer free radical a link the... Buried in a pH range of 3–5, at a time via reaction! High molecular mass [ 3 ] with active groups and terminates the chain is., cation, or anionic promoters synthesize CPDs for the first time versa ) positive charge site! 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