The latter it visits in the evening in search of food; and where roe are numerous the damage done to growing crops is considerable. 2 Replies. He first explored the Odeum and the Great Theatre situate in the city itself, and in the latter place had the good fortune to find an inscription which indicated to him in what direction to search for the Artemision; for it stated that processions came to the city from the temple by the Magnesian gate and returned by the Coressian. . All the skinks seem to be viviparous, and they prefer dry, sandy ground, in which they burrow and move quickly about in search of their animal food. 6 of the search for the ark at Jaar (Kirjath-jearim) and Ephratah is not clear; but a comparison with 1 Chron. The maximum sentence was previously 12 months in jail. The great philosophical impulse was that given by Darwin in 1859 through his demonstration of the theory of descent, which gave tremendous zest to the search for pedigrees (phylogeny) of the existing and extinct types of animal and plant life. Most of the sentences are taken from the books available in public domain. The visits of Western scholars in modern times to Greek monasteries in search of MSS. On the 3rd of September Henry Hudson, in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, entered New York Bay in the " Half Moon " in search of the " northwest passage.". Only after the public grew weary of this did printers go off in search of completely new books, called novels to mark their newness. I continued to search for my lost keys, not realizing that they were in my hand the whole time. Posts about sentence search written by Paul. And,, secondly, with a laborious zeal then less common than now among, n 2 (I - K 2) = 2 n 2 = n 2 = I historians, he sought to bring to light fresh historical material by patient search for letters, diaries and other manuscripts of value which had escaped the notice of previous students. A subject is the main thing a sentence is about. Tag Archives: sentence search Sentence Searches. The M`Leod case' in which the state of New York insisted on trying a British subject, with whose trial the Federal government had no power to interfere, while the British govern - ment had declared that it would consider conviction and execu - tion a casus belli; the exercise of the hateful right of search by British vessels on the coast of Africa; the Maine boundary, as to which the action of a state might at any time bring the Federal government into armed collision with Great Britain - all these at once met the new secretary, and he felt that he had no right to abandon his work for party reasons. He is wandering in search of water to quench his thirst. A simple sentence is a sentence with just one independent clause (also called a main clause): Judy laughed. The emperor Frederick II. In ancient Greece, an asylum was an "inviolable" refuge for persons fleeing from pursuit and in search of protection. For example: The dog went to the county fair. But the fact that careful and repeated search for a mass of matter sufficient to produce the desired effect has been in vain, affords additional evidence of its non-existence. The dog went to the county fair, and then ate popcorn. 4. Demeter, during her search for her daughter Persephone, arrived at Eleusis in the form of an old woman. Prince Andrew took a horse and a Cossack from a Cossack commander, and hungry and weary, making his way past the baggage wagons, rode in search of the commander-in-chief and of his own luggage. CK 1 2249862 Search the house. But to search for a precise time or an exact locality is to deal with the question too narrowly; it is more correct to say that the Avesta was worked at from the time of Zoroaster down to the Sassanian period. Word Meanings and Sentences. These came up one after the other in search of provisions and were practically annihilated, Col. He'd have to get help and search for them. Among the contents of this book we simply mention a trigonometrical chapter, in which the words sinus versus arcus occur, the approximate extraction of cube roots shown more at large than in the Liber abaci, and a very curious problem, which nobody would search for in a geometrical work, viz. Tons of Language Activities for Specific Language Needs Menu Skip to content. Her cheeks flushed again and in her desperate search for something to explain her preoccupation, she plunged into the subject of the curtains. Subjects of Sentences The professor, John Smith, is the noun expert, so yesterday he gave the class his views on… Noun Function 3 - Direct Object of Transitive Verb In the section on verbs, we’ll discuss transitive verbs, those that can pick up nouns. The tomb was early violated, probably in search of treasure. Apt to minimize difficulties, to search for the common ground of unity in opponents, he turned aside, with a disdain which superficial critics often mistook for indifference, from the base, the violent and the common. Benjamin was naturally an apt and useful pupil; for instance, an opinion of Mr Pollock, which for long guided the London police in the exercise of their right to search prisoners, is mentioned by him as having been really composed by Benjamin while he was still his pupil. The next two years Livingstone spent in travelling about the country to the northwards, in search of a suitable outpost for settlement. But Montrose (January 1650) was sent by Charles to " search his death," as he said, in an expedition to the north of Scotland, while, in the absence of his stainless servant, Charles actually signed the treaty of Breda (1st of May). His name immediately aroused suspicions, and accordingly it was ordered that a further search should be made by Thomas Knyvett, a Westminster magistrate who, coming with his men at night, discovered the gunpowder and arrested Fawkes on the threshold. Turkish court sentences Kurdish former MP to 22 years in jail. A kind of plover, Pluvianus aegyptius, often sits upon basking crocodiles, and, since the latter often rest with gaping mouth, it is possible that these agile birds do pick the reptiles' teeth in search of parasites. The Book of Sentences had its precursor in the glosses (an explanation or interpretation of a text, such as, e.g. 3 From this research it appears that the orbits of all four satellites of Uranus are sensibly circular, and although no special search was made, he concludes that none of Sir William Herschel's supposed outer satellites can have any real existence. The district in dispute was the site of the fabled Lake of Parima and the Golden City of Manoa, the search for which in the early days of European settlement attracted so many adventurous expeditions, and which fascinated the imagination of Raleigh and drew him to his doom. She eagerly informed the pair how she planned to attend tomorrow's ice festival activities, in search of first hand research for what was sure to be a winning chapter. "You'll lose it if you don't," he said wisely, accustomed to helping Jonny help her search the house for keys, purses, and anything else she lost. The settlements were called respectively Oster Bygd (or eastern settlement) and Vester (western) Bygd, both being now known to be on the south and west coast (in the districts of Julianehaab and Godthaab respectively), though for long the view was persistently held that the first was on the east coast, and numerous expeditions have been sent in search of these " lost colonies " and their imaginary survivors. The Dark One's mysterious search for something past-Deidre left behind began to make sense. Among the ancients," he adds, " anyone who had stained himself with homicide went in search of waters that could purge him of his guilt.". Comparatively only a few species are, for part of their lives, denizens of fresh water; these, as larvae, are parasitic on the eggs or larvae of other aquatic insects, the little hymenopteron, Polynema natans, one of the " fairy-flies " - swims through the water by strokes of her delicate wings in search of a dragon-fly's egg in which to lay her own egg, while the rare Agriotypus dives after the case of a caddis-worm. Aside from having the parts listed earlier, two things are very important for writing sentences: word order and punctuation. He tossed the mail on the counter and walked out the back door – evidently in search of someone he wanted to talk to. In the regulation of trade the right of search was an important instrument. ; A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses: Judy laughed and Jimmy cried. Ross (1818) in search of the North-West Passage, and that of Sir E. Iphitus persuaded Hercules to search for Eurytus' lost oxen, but was killed by him at Tiryns in a frenzy. Beebe, Our Search for a Wilderness (New York, 1910) which deals with the birds of Venezuela and British Guiana, while Central America is fully treated in the comprehensive and beautiful Biologia CentraliAmericana of F. No doubt they all agreed in saying that they were prosecuting Y g Y g Y P g a search for what they called the true system of nature; but that was nearly the end of their agreement, for in what that true system consisted the opinions of scarcely any two would coincide, unless to own that it was some shadowy idea beyond the present power of mortals to reach or even comprehend. When writing a sentence, make sure the verb comes after the subject, and the object comes after the verb. Franklin noted the phenomenon with disapproval in his advocacy of increased population; Malthus with approval in his search for means to decrease population. She dropped her arms, tipping her head back to search his face for the reason. On the other hand attempts have been made to separate hedonism, as the search for a continuous series of physical pleasures, from eudaemonism, a condition of enduring mental satisfaction. Show More Sentences Modernism, the idealistic search for truth, gave way in the latter half of the 20th century to a realization of its unattainability. Lord Lansdowne called the attention of the Russian foreign office to the extreme inconvenience to neutral commerce of the Russian search for contraband not only in the proximity of the scene of war, but over all the world, and especially at places at which neutral commerce could be most effectually intercepted. When living near the coast foxes will, however, visit the shore at low water in search of crabs and whelks; and the old story of the fox and the grapes seems to be founded upon a partiality on the part of the creature for that fruit. Two obscure agents of the committee of public safety were in search of a marquise who had flown, but an unknown stranger was found in the house and arrested on suspicion. Editors are in search of good writers. Thence Thorfinn revisited Hop, staying two months; and also made a voyage northward in search of Thorhall, rounding Keelness and sailing westward (along the north coast of Cape Breton Island? They sleep during the day, but wander forth at night in search of food, and are shy and gentle, though they can bite strongly when provoked. Before she could search the room for something to use as a weapon or run, the door wrenched open. When it comes to making sure your sentence is clear and complete, having the right sentence structure is very important. Here are some examples. Portugal observed neutrality on the outbreak of the AngloBoer War, but the permission it conceded to the British consul at Lourenco Marques to search for contraband of war among goods imported there, and the free passage accorded to an armed force under General Carrington from Beira through Portuguese territory to Rhodesia, were vehemently attacked in the Press and at public meetings. August 6, 2019. The natives engaged in the fishery used some 400 sailboats of 3 to 15 tons capacity, and the beds were raked in search of pearl oysters. The gypsum sands of New Mexico Territory were relentless in their search for new victims. Different search engines might give you different results. From the looks on the glum faces before me, he had neither told them anything nor was there success in their search for the killer. He came back to search the body of Logan Myers and figure out what it was that Rhyn wanted him to know. 306530 They went in search of happiness. For nearly four years he led his men in fruitless search of gold hither and thither over the south-east of the North American continent. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. This fragment sentence is missing an object: We need an object, like “pancakes,” to complete this sentence. CK 1 2249861 Search every room. This is a compound sentence because it has one subject, “dog,” but two predicates, “ran” and “ate.”. In 1898 an important discovery was made by Professor Amalitzky, which carries us a step further in our search for a connexion between the northern and southern floras. On the 31st of May 1643, however, Prynne received orders from the parliament to search his papers, and published a mutilated edition of his diary. A compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause—so, it combines two complete sentences and one incomplete sentence. He also really liked pancakes: he ate them every day for breakfast; but he couldn’t eat them without syrup and butter! In that rough age crimes of violence predominated, and the king's justiciars regularly perambulated the land in search of offenders, and decimated every village which refused to surrender fugitive criminals. Police are continuing to investigate while a search for the body is underway. How to use search in a sentence. Example Sentences. It uses a conjunction like “and” to combine two or more complete sentences into one compound sentence. They decided against it, cautious about frightening off Byrne if he should get wind of the search and realize someone was this close to finding him. In a sentence, punctuation can be as important as the words you use! English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Search" in Example Sentences Page 1. A dependent clause has a subject and a predicate but can’t exist as a sentence on its own: The dog smelled popcorn, which was popping at the county fair. Pierre murmured something unintelligible, and continued to look round as if in search of something. Search definition is - to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: such as. As you see, it includes not only the verb “went,” but “to the county fair” as well, because those words all tell about what is happening in the sentence. 9 Nevertheless, it is not to be imagined that by this being proposed as the great object of search there is thereby excluded all that has hitherto been looked upon as the higher aims of human life, such as the contemplation of truth. The poem describes the wanderings of the bride in search of her lover, and her final discovery of him as an old man on his death-bed, in a public hospital which she had entered as a nurse. "To search far," he said, turning back the skirt of his coat to get at his snuffbox. The three creatures continued to hunt through the fallen, sometimes eating, most of the times pushing body parts aside in search of something. They'd like to search the LeBlanc's place on the off chance our boy broke in there too and maybe got careless. The search for this essence subsequently resolved itself into the desire to effect the transmutation of metals, more especially the base metals, into silver and gold. After two years of painful search and much buffeting by demons he finds Barlaam. This article will cover everything you need to know about strong sentences! At the end of this patient search among our ideas, he supposes the reader apt to complain that he has been " all this while only building a castle in the air," and to ask what the purpose of all this stir is, if we are not thereby carried beyond mere ideas. CM 239406 I searched the drawer for the key. Since the Spanish conquest their huacas have been opened and rifled, and many of the larger masses of ruins have been extensively mined in search of treasure, but enough still remains to impress upon the observer the magnitude of the city and the genius of the people who built it. The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, &c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated. For instance, I could hand carve bird calls and then advertise them only to people who are looking at online content about hand-carved bird calls or who search the Internet for information about hand-carved bird calls. You can search the library catalog by title, author, keyword, isbn, or class. Here he rides forth in search of what adventure may bring. Meantime seven Japanese cruisers under Vice-Admiral Kaimamura went in search of the Russian Vladivostok squadron; this, however, evaded them for some months, and inflicted some damage on the Japanese mercantile marine and transports. (3) They were judged and condemned by Pliny (with Trajan's full approval) by virtue of the imperiu y n delegated to him, and in accordance with the instructions issued to governors of provinces to search out and punish sacrilegious persons. Their whole business was to hunt through the older authorities in search of " benign " decisions. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Their opinion and practice will be best represented in the words of one of their early teachers (quoted by Gibbon, Decline and Fall, c. 63): "When thou art alone in thy cell shut thy door, and seat thyself in a corner; raise thy mind above all things vain and transitory; recline thy beard and chin on thy breast; turn thine eyes and thy thought towards the middle of thy belly, the region of the navel (6j4 aXos); and search the place of the heart, the seat of the soul. This led to the search for these, which were not to be found in the bewildering and untested mixtures of the Galenic prescriptions. 's edicts and the so-called etablissements of St Louis provide that the civil officers should search out suspected heretics and deliver them to the ecclesiastical judges. Are you more likely to give up after a quick search? The adventurous orchid-hunter, however, has penetrated deeply into their recesses in search of choice varieties, and collectors of these valuable plants are largely indebted to Colombia for their specimens of Cattleya Mendelli, Warscewiczii and Trianae; Dowiana aurea; Odontoglossum crispum, Pescatorei, vexillarium, odoratum, coronarium, Harryanum, and blandum; Miltonia vexillaria; Oncidium carthaginense and Kramerianum; Masdevalliae, Epidendra, Schomburgkiae and many others. If search is driven both by cognition and experiential learning, then changing one's cognitive representation poses an additional risk. The rocky hills of the tableland to the north long repelled settlement, the region being looked on by the thrifty farmers of the south as a wilderness useless except for its forests and its furs; and unfortunate settlers who ventured into it usually failed and went west or south in search of better land. Ponce's hospitable reception by the native chief, Aquebana or Guaybana, and his fairly profitable search for the precious metal led King Ferdinand in 1509 to give him an appointment as temporary governor of the island, where his companions had already established the settlement of Caparra (Pueblo Viejo, near the present San Juan). Appointed regisseur des poudres in 1 775, he not only abolished the vexatious search for saltpetre in the cellars of private houses, but increased the production of the salt and improved the manufacture of gunpowder. So, a fragment sentence is just a piece of a sentence: it is incomplete because it is missing a subject, a predicate, or another necessary word. Unlike the cod and haddock, the coal-fish is, to a great extent, a surface-swimming fish, congregating together in large schools, and moving from place to place in search of food; large specimens (3 to 32 ft. Mining may be subdivided into the operations of prospecting or search for minerals, exploration and development, work preparatory to active operations, and working. Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want The two sentences i... We have learned that a compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and a connecting word such as or, but, or and. For any queries please write us at SearchSentences What’s more, a sentence combines words in a grammatically correct way. After successfully observing the transit from the island of Tahiti, or Otaheite, as Cook wrote it, the " Endeavour's " head was turned south, and then north-west, beating about the Pacific in search of the eastern coast of the great continent whose western shores had been so long known to the Dutch. the Corpus Iuris Civilis or biblical) by the masters who lectured using Saint Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible (the Vulgate).A gloss might concern syntax or grammar, or it might be on some difficult point of doctrine. As France and Spain were quarrelling over the division of Naples and the Campagna barons were quiet, Cesare set out once more in search of conquests. Reisner which was to search for all remains of antiquity hidden beneath the ground. Very choice ones worksheets in preferred format information in a grammatically correct way for Alex we... Results for the search ends in no overt positive conclusion body of Logan and! 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