Definition of follow written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. What makes you think I didn't follow to make sure she didn't chicken out? Of the Albanians in Sicily the great majority (4479 1) remain faithful to the Greek Church; in Italy 116,482 follow the Latin ritual, and 38,192 the Greek. Several rivulets follow the ravines and drain into the Ribeirao do Carmo, a sub-tributary of the Rio Doce. He caught it with reflexes too fast for her to follow. Follow-up to the phrase, "No need to reinvent the wheel." 2. We are now in a position to follow the history of the First Crusade. What does a hard act to follow expression mean? I explained my tip to the FBI and my follow up extended conversation with Agent Brennan. 5 5 I mean, how are you not a traitor like Sasha or a cold jerk like Kris? All Rights Reserved. Molly started to bite her lip and I thought tears would follow but Betsy grabbed her hand. Grouchy added that if he found that the bulk of the Prussians were moving on Wavre he would follow them and separate them from Wellington. 1347710 We must follow the rules of the game. If you’re going to invest 30–60 minutes in meeting with someone, you owe it to yourself and whoever you met with to send a follow-up email. If you ever want to leave here, you will follow my instructions. He carried it into the bushes but I didn't want to see it so I didn't follow him. are taken directly from the Salic Law; the provisions follow the same arrangement; the unit of the compositions is 15 solidi; but capitularies are interpolated relating to the affranchisement and sale of immovable property. Kris let him go despite his desire to follow him. I felt compelled to follow but I wanted to hear more. In contrast, the sentences below would not work with the word the inserted before follow up:. Follow up definition: If you follow up something that has been said , suggested , or discovered , you try to... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The largest port is Algiers, after which follow Oran, Philippeville and Bona. From Strido he went to Aquileia, where he formed some friendships among the monks of the large monastery, notably with Rufinus, with whom he was destined to quarrel bitterly over the question of Origen's orthodoxy and worth as a commentator; for Jerome was a man who always sacrificed a friend to an opinion, and when he changed sides in a controversy expected his acquaintances to follow him. (obediently, dutifully) " They silently followed their teacher out of the room. In places where the low ground is marshy, roads and railways often follow the ridge-lines of hills, or, as in Finland, the old glacial eskers, which run parallel to the shore. It does not, of course, follow that everyone who had shared in the divine afflatus of prophetic enthusiasm gave forth oracles; but the prophets as a class stood nearer than other men to the mysterious workings of Yahweh, and it was in their circle that revelation seemed to have its natural home. His brother, Darian, however, tended to follow her around like a lost puppy. Dulce stood and motioned for Alondra to follow her. And throwing a colon or semicolon into your sentence just to "indicate a pause" is even worse. "); the Jewish Quarterly Review (July 1905-January 1907 = Critical Notes on 0.T. The general principle on which the instruments for working long submarine cables are based is that of making the moving parts very light and perfectly free to follow the comparatively slow rise and fall of the electric impulses or waves. In fact, you might want to follow up on followup by keeping an eye on new editions of your favorite dictionary. 5. Contact; Mission; Advocacy; Team; History; Events. 100 examples: Fuel wood from improved fallows on far m may provide a means to conserve the… This song forms a prelude to the chapters that follow. Besides, he'd be upset that she didn't follow up on the call. If Britain was to accede to membership, these countries had a strong economic incentive to follow suit. There are two principal sects among modern Hindus - those who follow Vishnu, and those who follow Siva. A similar conclusion seems to follow from a letter of Hume in Burton's Life, ii. Examples of Follow suit in a sentence. 7. And even when a thinker puts forward his doubt as absolute it does not follow that his successors are bound to regard it in the same light. In accordance with the recommendation Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, both officers of the United States Army, with a considerable party left St Louis on the 14th of May 1804, ascended the Missouri to the headwaters, crossed the Rockies and, following the Columbia river, reached the ocean in November 1805. At this point, if you follow my reasoning, we have established at least the possibility of a bright future. English. The opposing minority were now powerless, and the younger fellows who had been his pupils were more inclined to follow him than others would have been. The like holds of Polycarp, who, in explaining that he writes to exhort the Philippians only at their own request, adds, "for neither am I, nor is any other like me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul" (iii. Next follow minatory discourses (iv.-vii.) (closely) " She reluctantly followed him through the dark halls. If we follow discipline in our lives, it paves the way of success.. We should follow good food habit to be healthy.. We should follow parents, teachers and our elders.. Their king Syrmus took refuge in Peuce (Peuke, an island in the Danube), whither Alexander was unable to follow him. 11. But the serious students of later times find themselves unable to follow in his footsteps. In the main they are expositions of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and the Decalogue, and thus follow a tradition that has come down from the days when Cyril of Jerusalem delivered his catechetical Lectures. Those that follow are naturally increasingly interesting and entertaining. He looked at his watch, aware he had a morning packed with activities to follow up on. After a few days, when the mantle bearing the shell valves has developed so much as to enclose the whole body, the young cockle sinks to the bottom and commences to follow the habits of the adult.. Next follow the two great islands and attendant islets of New Zealand. Here the broad distinction has been drawn between volcanic and coral islands; but this requires amplification, both because the coral islands follow more than one type, and because the work of corals is in many cases associated with the volcanic islands in the form of fringing or barrier reefs. shouted Prince Andrew, and, scarcely able to hold up the heavy standard, he ran forward with full confidence that the whole battalion would follow him. A private investigator would follow every place the suspect traveled and take pictures of the things he did. This gable is tilted eastwards, and its two long slopes are defined by bordering mountain chains which run across its medial ridge; the main Syrian streams are those which follow those slopes between the 'chains, thus running either north or south for most of their courses, and only finding their way to the western sea by making sharp elbows at the last. Follow me please. Sentence examples for I would like to follow up from inspiring English sources. Carmen shoved a wide-eyed Destiny into his arms and turned to follow Dulce. Follow your plans without worry or confusion, and follow them with passion.. If one sheep leap over the dyke, all the rest will, 24. After some minutes, the gentleman-in-waiting who was on duty came into the great reception room and, bowing politely, asked Balashev to follow him. Katie was slower to follow, feeling lightheaded once again. "'I showed them the path to glory, but they did not follow it,'" Prince Andrew continued after a short silence, again quoting Napoleon's words. You'll get tips from us and follow up on them the same as any tips. 1 FAO. Rostov threw his cloak over his shoulders, shouted to Lavrushka to followwith the things, and--now slipping in the mud, now splashing right through it--set off with Ilyin in the lessening rain and the darkness that was occasionally rent by distant lightning. Consequently, they will struggle to comprehend what you’re saying if you use too many long sentences! Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. 4. "That is why you follow my directions," Gerry said from nearby. (silently, quietly, slowly) " More details will follow soon. Jenn dashed forward and grabbed Yully's arm, motioning for Charles to follow her. Look, I feel like a fool asking embarrassing questions, especially to someone as kind as you've been, but my wife and I promised a little girl we'd follow up on this. A still further facility was given to the use of the filar micrometer by the introduction of clockwork, which caused the telescope automatically to follow the diurnal motion of a star, and left the observer's hands entirely at liberty.'. She rose on her tiptoes to follow him with her eyes but soon found she didn't need to. Private individuals were also encouraged to follow the imperial example. Rate it: (5.00 / 1 vote) breathe down someone's neck: To follow someone too closely, making it … According to Knox, Grindal distinguished himself from most of the court preachers in 1553 by denouncing the worldliness of the courtiers and foretelling the evils to follow on the king's death. I'll show you the way. Difference of opinion, therefore, arose as to the interpretation of the protocol, the Argentines insisting that the boundary should run from highest peak to highest peak, the Chileans that it should follow the highest points of the watershed. follow along 1. From that time he resided in Italy; he refused to follow the other Hungarian patriots, who, under the lead of Deak, accepted the composition of 1867; for him there could be no reconciliation with the house of Habsburg, nor would he accept less than full independence and a republic. Many analysts still have not decided whether to follow the company. (5) It was the duty of the prophets to follow in all respects the example of the Lord (')(av Toic Tpolrous Tov Kuplov), and to put in practice what they preached. Write smarter with our new features for professionals. Here follow in order Miss Sullivan's letters and the most important passages from the reports. They were stupid not to follow … He put away the milk and waved a hand for her to follow as he headed out the back door. 1. Use a variety of transition words, not the same one. - He begins again to follow his Marcan document for what he gives. 46) lest Jacob, then aged seventy-seven, should follow his brother's example. concerning poverty should be changed; (2) that he will not directly nor indirectly procure election or promotion for himself to any prelacy or dignity in the Society; (3) that he will not accept or consent to his election to any dignity or prelacy outside the Society unless forced thereunto by obedience; (4) that if he knows of others doing these things he will denounce them to the superiors; (5) that if elected to a bishopric he will never refuse to hear such advice as the general may deign to send him and will follow it if he judges it is better than his own opinion. The lowest stage is that of the civil virtues, then follow the purifying, and last of all the divine virtues. The little girl, hair streaming, offered encouragement while skating backwards, one leg lifted high and beckoning unsuccessfully for Dean to follow. The commissioners for the 1841 census consulted him on several points, but did not in every case follow his advice. Among the simplest examples of the former are the hairs which follow the irritation of the cells by mites. In the " recesses " or formal statements issued at the conclusion of the sessions of the diet one can follow the trend of opinion among the German princes, secular and ecclesiastical. How to connect 'follow' with other words to make correct English sentences.follow (v): to move behind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goesUse 'follow' in a sentence His dog follows him everywhere. Alright, how am I supposed to protect you when you won't follow my orders? "Come on, we'll talk more," he said and waved for her to follow as he went to the stairs. Follow-on in a sentence. You must thrive on the knowledge that you can bully someone and get so many sycophants to follow suit. The female brings forth from two to four cubs towards the close of the year, which are able to follow their mother in about fifteen days after birth. There's nowhere you go where I cannot follow. If that authority falls to nothing,"he said," nothing can follow but confusion. For feet there be that follow. Write smarter with our new features for professionals. The conversation was almost too serious for her muddled thoughts to follow. On the north, east and south boulevards with gardens follow the line of the medieval walls, which have mostly disappeared. Follow your own course, and let people talk. He also had to deal with a wizard, who deceived many by promising them salvation and release from evils, if they would follow him into the desert. But the words which follow have an antique ring: " Amen, I say unto you, I will no more drink of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.". His textual views were peculiar; he preferred to follow late MSS. Long sentences are difficult to follow. Follow me, Toby said. This ring is necessary in order to allow the rods to follow the micrometer heads when the position angle is changed. With the provisos that if Lee turned upon Sherman, Grant must follow him up sharply,'and that Thomas could be left to deal with Hood (both of which could be, and were, done), the scheme might well be decisive of the war. That they must be studied closely by every one who wishes to follow the history of economics goes without saying. Explanation of the English phrase "follow up with (someone) on (something)": "Following up on" something means reviewing it again later. The preceding considerations render it comparatively easy to follow the reasoning on which the experimental verification of the EgaJva- above statements is based. "Did you follow me here?" In large halls the words of a speaker are echoed or reflected from flat walls or roof or floor; and these reflected sounds follow the direct sounds at such an interval that syllables and words overlap, to the confusion of the speech and the annoyance of the audience. The emotions flying across his features were too quick for her to follow. If you don't kill me, what I have will infect him, and he'll follow your father's fate. Her greeter motioned her to follow, and she obeyed, her mind on Damian and nothing else. 25 examples: Second, the high rate of follow-up participation reduces the risk of bias due… Submit your answer. to follow the actions of others without conscious thought. 2940, Dr Repsold proposed a method of meridian observing which consists in causing a web to follow the image of a star in transit by motions communicated by the observer's hands alone, whilst electrical contacts on the drum of the micrometer screw register on the chronograph the instants corresponding to known intervals from the line of collimation. she demanded, refusing his salud. Examples of following passage in a sentence, how to use it. Make a follow-up call tomorrow. He motioned to the others to follow and they all went down the path to the building. They are sometimes denoted in spoken speech with a pause, but using merely to indicate a pause is an abuse of punctuation, impedes communication, and can change the meaning of a sentence. : It was largely unremarked upon until the 90's when some sociologists decided to follow up. Sentence Examples. His military training proceeded under the eye of his father, whom he began to follow on his campaigns when only twelve years of age. He is a French. CK 2539110 Tom followed Mary out of the hospital. Betty could simply follow by saying something even more shocking or controversial. Then will follow the general resurrection of the dead, the last judgment, and the creation of new heavens and a new earth. With this he marched to Geneva, destroyed the bridge over the Rhone, fortified the left bank of the river, and forced the Helvetii to follow the right bank. To set forth how best to do our thinking, rather than to follow the triumphs achieved in any particular line of exploration, and to present the point we have now reached in the method or principles of palaeontology, is the chief purpose of this article. The box is thus entirely closed at the front, while the front carbon disk, which constitutes an electrode, is perfectly free to follow the motions of the diaphragm. The lives of many Europeans were at stake, for anarchy must follow the withdrawal, and it seemed impossible to repudiate the pledges to Toro, or to abandon the Baganda who had fought for the British. So far they had seen her blow up at him and obediently follow his commands. Get Grammarly. to track or be right behind something or someone Examples of Follow in a sentence In first grade, the other students follow the line leader by walking right behind the person in front of them. The party is tomorrow afternoon but you still haven’t ordered the food. To use sections and divisions in the text as Pagnine in his translation useth, and for the verity of the Hebrew to follow the said Pagnine and Munster specially, and generally others learned in the tongues. " Definition of Follow suit . Guybrush88 249715 Follow me and I will show you the way. The great danger is that, as the blood in the vessels becomes thawed, there will be so much reactionary flow through the tissues that acute inflammation will follow. The more, therefore, these are out of tune the more rapidly will the beats follow each other. Fallow and insight in sentence. The lizard has lots of goals, but his follow-through is poor. Jake didn't follow her as she strode into the airport and checked in, careful not to brush up against anyone for fear of the jarring visions. for instance canon 12 of the council of Chalcedon, which forbids more than one metropolitan see in a province; also canon 17 of the same council: " And if any city has been or shall hereafter be newly erected by imperial authority, let the arrangement of ecclesiastical parishes follow the political and municipal forms "). The reader may even forget how a sentence started by the time they get to the end. The principal villages, towns and places near or through which the way passed are as follow: Winchester, Alresvord, Ropley, Alton, Farnham (here the way follows the present main road), Seale, Puttenham, by the ruined chapel of St Catherine, outside Guildford, near where the road crosses the Wey above Shalford,' and by the chapel of St Martha, properly of " the martyr," now restored and used as a church, Albury, Shere, Gomshall, Dorking (near here the Mole is crossed), along the southern slope of Boxhill to Reigate, then through Gatton Park, Merstham, Otford, Wrotham, after which the Medway was crossed, Burham, past the megalithic monument Kit's Coty House, and the site of Boxley Abbey, the oldest after Waverley Abbey of Cistercian houses in England, and famous for its miraculous image of the infant saint Rumbold, and the still more famous winking rood or crucifix. To solve the question of how freedom and necessity are combined and what constitutes the essence of these two conceptions, the philosophy of history can and should follow a path contrary to that taken by other sciences. Sentence with the word follow. If the Prussians now retired northwards, parallel to the direction which Wellington would follow perforce on the morrow, the chance of co-operating in a decisive battle would still remain to the allies; and Gneisenau's order issued by moonlight, directing the retreat on Tilly and Wavre, went far to ensuring the possibility of such combined action. 3. We constantly longed to follow up on our endeavors and make sure what Howie discovered was brought to a positive conclusion. There are two main varieties; in one luck alone prevails, since the player has no choice of play but must follow strict rules; in the other an opportunity is given for the display of skill and judgment, as the player has the choice of several plays at different stages of the game. She could follow her heart and marry the man she loved, but she would never be completely satisfied. 1 Answers. If he tried to follow a moving automobile, he could sometimes attach himself, if the vehicle was slow or stopped, but the act was tenuous at best. Writing. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The student, realizing an opportunity, asked if he could prove there was a grammatical mistake in the rules, would his parents allow at least two hours of Internet … Nor because the pagans regarded the close meetings of the Christians usually held in private houses as mysteries in which incest and cannibalism were rife, does it follow that the Christians themselves accepted the comparison. Does the sentence emphasize an idea? The order of words in a French sentence can be confusing, especially if you have, as we do, dual-verb constructions, object and adverbial pronouns, and negative structures. They've got mules to eat now, why would they want to follow us? These precise conditions were afterwards demonstrated by Newton to follow necessarily from the law of gravitation. by a line which may be said to follow the meridian of Amman (Philadelphia or Rabbath-Ammon). That’s exactly why you can’t substitute a comma for a semicolon. We'll keep on top of it and make sure they follow up. "Hurrah!" Meant for when one does, in fact, need to reinvent a process to account for accumulated changes that make the old status-quo obsolete. Andre motioned her to follow him, and she drew a few more heavy breaths before following. Related Questions in English. obtained approximately by observing the position of the weight on the scale, or it may be obtained more accurately in the follow FIG. predicting the siege and capture of Jerusalem - perhaps revised after the event. Tips to Remember. Learn the definition of follow and how to use it in a sentence. Carmen stared at him, trying to follow his runaway thought train. The leader beckoned the others to follow her. - Read the following passage at your own… They have no word for plough in their language, and they still follow the nomadic form of tillage known as jum cultivation. Follow that car. Colons and semicolons are two types of punctuation. Two leading features, from which many others follow, are the intermediate value of the mean annual temperatures and the prevalence of westerly winds, with which drift the areas of high and low pressurecyclonic and anticyclonic areascontrolling the short-lived, non-periodic weather changes. In the temperate zone, where the seasons are sharply contrasted, but follow each other with regularity, foresight and self-denial were fostered, because if men did not exercise these qualities seed-time or harvest might pass into lost opportunities and the tribes would suffer. All they claim is municipal autonomy; the right to manage their own affairs within the city walls, to fight their battles as they choose, and to follow their several ends unchecked. 1 : to go, proceed, or come after followed the guide. Wright frittered away his time in the district beyond the Darling and did not attempt to follow the party to Cooper's Creek, and Burke, tired of waiting, determined to push on. The nurse began wheeling his sister down the hall and he turned abruptly to follow. And so, though we cannot follow the steps of the process, we are not surprised to learn that they soon had an established footing in Israel, and that the prophets came to be recognized as a standing sacred element in society. the loss of independence - which must follow their mischievous policy in being led by the Transvaal. We had a follow-on. in length, probably follow the ancient line, which was razed to the ground by Totila in A.D. This can be done if you proceed as follows. "We'll see," she said as she replaced her helmet and began to follow him. Manuel Comnenus demanded that all conquests made by the crusaders should be his fiefs; and the question was debated whether the crusaders should follow the land route through Hungary, along the old road of Charlemagne, or should go by sea to the Holy Land. When to use follow up: Follow up, without the hyphen, is a phrasal verb that means to pursue an issue through a subsequent action.For example: 1. 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