A list of actors and actresses whose success can only be explained by the notion that they must have sold their souls to the devil. HubPages® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. He broke 70 bones at various times and had 28 hospital stays. Worth it. Mt 4:9And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.”Lu 4:7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”Here is just two ! This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. But the point is you definitely know when you sell your soul when you come across a demon. Only the Inner Voice will tell you, and whether it does so now or in ten lifetimes, it most certainly will. Other reasons for selling your soul might include getting revenge on someone who has hurt you, gaining eternal youth or immortality, or for matters of love. This person is generally approached by a satanist or other pagan figure who befriends them. A person may make a sincere commitment to perform some duty for Satan in exchange for something in return, but this does not make it true. The idea of ''selling one's soul'' is a lie straight from the pits of Hell to keep unbelievers in bondage to thinking it's too late for them to repent and come to Christ. While the scratchy-voiced singer is well known for going through a “Christian phase” in the late 1970s and releasing the worst records of his long career, he also may have sold his soul to Satan. How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? If so what would be the results of following Jesus? In fact, some people think of that as "selling your soul". please help me I think I might have sold my soul please help! This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. - Matthew 10:28The distinction can be made by what tree you are grafted into. The process: a person has a deep desire for something or the person has a talent of some sort. Let's start with something we can all agree on, we're alive, we have a mind but we are also physical beings and one day the physical being will cease to exist. I believe that one can sell one's soul....I believe it is a choice of what one believe's one is entitled to and will not stop short of obtaining it, knowing the cost but pursuing it none-the-less. U have to choose for yourself to be good or evil, right or wrong. Selling your Soul is a change of Sides whether you know it or not.When you Sin - Repent (Don't do it again) and ask God for forgiveness,  and rededicate yourself. There is no other way of knowing. my boyfriend said he did but i dont know if i should believe him or not.. Probably no one does. It's a good question and the movie Devils Advocate is a good example of how people think they are aligning to integrity, theirs or that of what they call "God." Well I can't speak for anybody else, but if I had sold my soul...I damn well would have asked for a receipt. We all have the power to attract what we lack! Is it possible to sell your soul to the devil? You might get "brainwashed", that is lose all your critical thinking abilities, and let someone else dictate to you your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, etc. It’s important to confront the person about their theft, even if doing so is difficult. I really want some one to talk to with the same struggle as I had.i love god with all my heart jesus and the holy spirit too. Yet what is right for one is not necessarily right for another. Now dead forever. We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. I can honestly sit here and tell you what some girl in my second-grade class said to me on the last day of school 11 years ago. I never thought I’d be in this far. But we have to choose that path. Most likely would take it at the end. Me: "Haha really? That sounds like what experts have described. Humans on earth are just now beginning to access two aspects of it which were... How would I put this... Taken away when something horrible happened thousands of years ago. I do believe that you will sense or know when certain actions or behavior will reveal itself.As I always believe that the truth will reveal itself no matter how well it is hidden. ? Lucifer may not be the most trustworthy of customers and he may even consider himself a first-rate attorney in his spare time, but I dare say not even the devil can bullshit his way to a win in Judge Judy's court. "Jesus said, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only. You feel strange to yourself, you feel another being taking over your actions. YOu see changes in your habits and environments, in the way you ca't make your decisions…NOw, mind, I didn't do it but I know some people who are definitely up to something. The person believes the contract is in their favor, but the devil creates loopholes in the deal that the person does not know of. hmm.. my idea of selling your soul is when you leave and forget your morals just to have money, power, and fame. This is a perfectly acceptable type of soul and should be nurtured. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, ... they are mates of your soul. What goes around, comes around -- eventually. Why not Loki? This answer is wonderful and made me laugh. Once you become born again you are not your own anymore. What does sold your soul expression mean? . Living by the Golden Rule is the only thing that matters. I do not believe that soul-selling is an all-or-nothing proposition. You don’t want to be with someone who likes you just because you call him out on his lies. This is difficult as it puts in question: what are people's religious / spiritual views. I've done a lot of studies involving demonology, but I've also read the Bible, and studied many different cultures..  With selling your soul it does take a certain ritual in order to sell your soul for something.. Well for starters. The man has a wife and two kids...I’m not sure if they know about this stuff. You may wish to find love, bring a former … That suggests god and satan are the same being. It would also be a prerequisite that you actually believe in the devil.In every fictional story that I can recall, there is either a contract, or a covenant, or something signed in blood to say that the person who put his soul for sale actually committed to it.If, on the other hand, you made the "I'd sell my soul" statement and things like health, wealth, and happiness happened - and you did nothing to acknowledge the deal, I'd write it off to dumb luck.Only Christians who feel they will need to do an accounting to St. Peter will know when they hit the afterlife - people who have other faiths don't really have to deal with that. Being in an honest, sincere, and committed soulmate relationship helps you to become a better version of yourself. The Soul knows whatever is happening. I've been doing all I can to stop history from repeating itself. Without it, how could the bargain be enforced? What kind of bedtime stories would he be reading your kids? In my case I would have basically told my higher power that even though I am aware of the price I will pay, that it was worth sacrificing my place with him and chosen an afterlife in hell instead.Great question! There are a few ways to tell if you’ve met someone who resonates with you on a Soul level. Some articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products, This is a data management platform studying reader behavior. PLATE So I witnessed someone who sold their soul today. I do believe the soul can be sold, or else Jesus would not be able to ransom it. I lean toward the life-in-general hypothesis. If you stop feeling all emotion, that is when you will know. You can't really sell your soul. But.... what u can do is choose to be evil and walk in darkness. This is used for a registered author who enrolls in the HubPages Earnings program and requests to be paid via PayPal. Here are a few things you might notice: 1. Are you born with your soul looking the way you do when you die? And you have to know what the devil (recipient of the soul) is.To me, soul is the immortal, true self (child of God) within.So, selling your soul would be to sell yourself into bondage. When u sell ur soul where does it go? It could be something like giving up what is sound and important to one for something like the approval of a friend or a job.I think a person has to feel as if he has a "soul" in the first place in order to notice he's compromised for a misguided value or misguided idea of what is important in life. Therefore, there are two types of people who belong to the devil: those who willingly sold their souls and those whose souls were never ransomed. AMEN.LORD DELIVER THIS CHILD IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS I COMMAND IT AMEN. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. He understands whether a person is ill or healthy, so he is a doctor. but as I look back , maybe I didn't.Some things aren't meant to be and no matter what, I still had a great and wonderful time.I choose to focus on that rather than what was not meant to be.Life is always like that ,give some take some, and whatever direction life has steered you into, It will always be good, according to me. How do you tell if a person is doctor? Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. But just the act of falling in love with a person doesn't necessarily mean you've met your soulmate.That's why couples break up all the time, often leaving one of the partners heartbroken, wondering what happened and why it all went wrong. And remember, if you look into the deep well of "the strange and evil" long enough, it eventually changes you too, and not usually for the better. You cannot sale your soul. But I'd never sign away my soul to Loki or anyone for that matter either. I think I might have done the same thing at 13. Now class, this is not a philosophical question it's a personal question.The question is what do you think will happen to you after you're... Are you born with your soul looking the way you do when you die?Or, when you die old do you grow young in the afterlife, and die young you grow old? We would not have a loving FATHER GOD if he did not forgive us. You feel disconnected from others. With respect to the classical Faustian bargain, Philip  asked the following question: "Do you have to make a deal with the devil himself or is this a saying about how you live your life in general?" This person knows surgery. Other reasons for selling your soul might include getting revenge on someone who has hurt you, gaining eternal youth or immortality, or for matters of love. Andre Now can we see who really rules the earth at present it is not God our Heavenly Father. Thing like that only happen in the movies (and maybe Sunday School) . You can do it by openly conversing and making a pact or dealing with one of these organizations that do it. That freaked me out, and I thought about whether or not someone can accidentally sell their soul. Our words are full of power! (List is in no particular order, except for #1 & #2). I'm not talking about those. Simple. And I really don’t know what Jack will do. Photo from holisticfaith.com. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: https://maven.io/company/pages/privacy. I think that’s how it is with soulmates: the connection never dies.” ― Christy Jacobs That is the mistake I think Judas made--not bothering to ask for forgiveness, and live with self-loathing. You do not have control over your emotions, business, life, worship, marriage etc either consciously or unconsciously. Get your answers by asking now. He buys them in the sense that you promise your soul to him in exchange for fame, fortune, or power. Lucifer doesn't have it that easy. Literal would involve (I imagine) some sort of ritual or contract. Figurative would entail behaving in a way that is contrary to what is considered "normal" or "right." Also, could you write a Hun based on the above question? In that way we rob ourselves by putting the material above the Spirit that is within all of us. You may be doing it for the better but in the end it really ends up hurting you. I assure you. He did not make provisions for the the selling of our souls, its the stuff of ancient folk tales and the Charlie Daniels Band, but I bet you knew that! Kind of telling, now that I look back at it. CBN.com – Todd Beezley lived a lonely childhood. It's God's. The truth is, you can't sell your soul. In these stories from history, we will sift through the facts and the fiction of people who sold their soul to the big guy downstairs. I live for them everyday of my life. They're not just evil to anyone and everyone.(why?) He is the father of lies, so don’t believe him when he tells you you can’t take it back. For example, if I said that I'd sell my soul for health, wealth, and happiness, for the murder of a dozen puppies and somehow the next day I win the lottery, get a clean bill of health, and was incredibly happy - I'd be a bit suspicious. We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. This is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos. Satan is called a liar and father of lies (John 8:44) precisely because he uses deception of many kinds to lead people to sin. That's why God created the rescue mission -- Homo sapiens, civilization, religion, salvation. His name is Lucifer which translates as "adversary." I disagree, and believe you will be visited by REAL SATAN for this deal to be made. But interesting question, nonetheless. In fact I have heard stories about satan worshippers converting to a relationship with Christ. I very much doubt, you'd get the "in person" salesperson devil (complete with horns, pitchfork, and red satin long johns). I don't have one to sell. Although there is no magical way of telling if an individual is your soul mate, there are certain indicators and clues that can help you determine if the person you have interest in is that ideal someone.If the two of you have similar interests, then you have a good clue. If you choose evil not believing, and perhaps because you do not believe, in a soul, then you would not be aware of entering into the bondage that exists when your soul is no longer your own, until the day of judgement. - Keep on Hubbing. the question more specifically, sell your sould to who, and for how much. No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. Is it correct for a Christian to say that the Trinity is a myth? I did something wrong, and I do not plan on asking Forgiveness, because of what I did so very long ago. Wherever there is knowledge and ignorance, there is existence of Soul there. yeah i also disagree with you in our society today there are many high class artist that sell their soul to the devil they doesn‘t believe in god they ridicule god in their hearts and they only worshipped the devils. This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. You may wish to find love, bring a former love back to you or have your unrequited love reciprocated. Here are some tell-tale signs to help you find out if you’re an old soul. It can understand happiness, unhappiness. A person is unable to complete his mission in life alone. It's an attractive prospect to have all u can eat all day everyday for the rest of ur life but all things on earth have the same degree of good and bad. They didn't sell their soul - they just followed the other sheep going the wrong way.Those who have signed a pact with Satan know they did it, it was an overt act where they made an agreement with Satan for certain benefits.Those who follow Christ, as well do it as an overt act - they choose to believe in Jesus Christ and obey the Commandments of God.You are on one side or the other, there is no fence sitting even possible, if you are not on Christ's side, you are on the Devil's whether you know it or not. It is possible to salami-slice our souls, to sell off various parcels of spiritual real estate. As soon as it was over with I started to see stuff in my dreams and visions, I could see the Past and the Future, And many ways I could die. You can't sell your soul, simply because Satan, the devil or Lucifer which ever you prefer to call him doesn't care about human souls. Blake4d. Merry Christmas! I don't believe in the devil AT ALL, but the phrase generally means that someone compromises sound values and a "moral compass" in favor of getting something (like money) in return. Even the devil can't influence that. This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. What causes people to think that God exists? —or maybe, you’re just an old soul! This list looks at 10 who are believed to have turned to the ultimate evil to obtain their desire. Now go tell them we sold out like we’re the one’s who changed. You and I are not unique, or better still, exempted.So how do you know if you have sold your Soul? If they knew, some woke up dead or hard, some are still asleep bonded. Google provides ad serving technology and runs an ad network. Robert Johnson. That's all I'll say about that for now. Recently my mom said she thinks that the author of 50 Shades of Grey sold her soul to the devil. No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage with this feature. ... but the ultimate sign or way to tell is by trusting your own intuitive feelings. Here are 3 signs you may be a lost soul: 1. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, to name but a few, have all … @Just stay way from that type that sells you and reaps you for personal interest but will see the pay day. Technically a persons build is energy, so of course a persons soul would be a source of energy, maybe memories tied to experiences in life would decide a certain caliber about it. Andre what would he give in exchange for worshiping him ?Notice !Lu 4:5 So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth.Lu 4:6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory,Satan gives. Selling your soul is never the Answer. The dude actually believes that he sold his soul, and that the devil himself is coming to collect. The longer a person lives the better their soul gets, sometimes, so why would he take it then? Fact. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3j2pG … subscriber. Ever so often I’m online and I read “Man! What benefits that you get in foll, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his o. In the dream or physical, there is a bargain in which there is an exchange, You might be short changed later on, but, at the beginning you were promised a better offer. What is the value of following Jesus Christ? Worth it. If you deny GOD, you may as well sell your soul to the devil because without Christ, the devil owns your soul by your free will. He started with Adam and Eve. Because you can only save yourself - perhaps with the guidance of spiritual teachings, but at the end of the day even truly spiritual beings can be fooled - and have been many times.. You can not accidentally sell your soul. Most people, who are brought up in good families, have an innate sense of right, wrong, and fairness. You are made in the image of Spirit and your Spirit (conscience) will tell you. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. is the tenth studio album by American hip hop group Public Enemy, released August 7, 2007 on Slam Jamz Recordings in the United States.Its release coincided with the 20th anniversary of their career. Sometimes guys who are players are attracted to girls who don’t put up with their games. ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Our relationship lasted over 10 years, but he’s still ‘with me’ in my heart and soul every day. Only because God gives us free will. Breakfast … My take on it is that the devil is ego -- the physical, false self through which we interact with the world.In a very real sense, we have all sold our selves to our egos. Example of a fail: The subject tests negative for a soul if they look at you in a judgemental way. How exactly can you tell if someone is an old soul by looking at their eyes. The Sunday-school teacher probably took the easy way out of answering because his/her answer was right and simple: If a person has compromised his "soul" or else has had his "soul" co-opted and/or compromised by the successful interference of, or failure of, someone else; that person not only knows, but can live in grief and sorrow that "scream for attention" until what is important to that person and … Say IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS I BELONG TO GOD BECAUSE HE HAS PURCHASED ME WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS. It's not enough to believe, you have to walk the talk in the every core of who you are. Read the lives of saints and mystics, and you will see that many of them went through these shadows. What you think is right is as what is told to you as being right. I guess when you start to do evil things that is when you know you have sold you soul to the devil. Definition of sold your soul in the Idioms Dictionary. They are then stirred up about those deep desires and they are presented to important people who will make those desires come to pass.These people are willing and ready to advance you the money, put your name out there, promote you in business etc. It is a mental thing. It will forever be a highly debatable topic. This is feature allows you to search the site. Most people join the Darkside without even knowing they did it. Your eye contact is deep and engaging. God is our father, and think of him as a loving father, a lot, LOt BEtter than even good earthly fathers, he is trying to help us all the time. We do that every day. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. - So I witnessed someone who sold their soul today. A person may make a sincere commitment to perform some duty for Satan in exchange for something in return, but this does not make it true. I Sold My Soul to the Devil By Gorman Woodfin The 700 Club. It is a conscious decision when presented that a person makes. You won't feel anything when you watch the news.You will start to support things like legal infanticide.You will not feel any pity or sympathy for refugees.ETC. I think it would make good TV viewing the devil v's ....... Bravo, sir. What is fed to a person via text books is a beautiful muse to make you believe you have knowledge, yet knowledge only comes from experience - otherwise it's what you've been told is knowledge. Well, repent and give yourself unto Jesus Christ.But, you have to really mean it. I remember hearing about someone selling their soul on ebay a while back, but don't know how that turned out. This service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles. Maybe that’s just not their thing. But find a better Solution and be happy you have everything In the world, But do not make the mistake I did so long ago, I did it because I was scared and something bad happened to me, and I was fooled because of the devil, And now I will go to hell and I don't blame god for my mistake and my Ignorance's. Of course, in my faith we don't believe in "the devil". Is it the Tree of Life, or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? If you sold your soul to the Devil, you would have gotten something in return. But, before they do, you must enter into a contract. Voting company sues Fox, Giuliani over election claims, Rapper's $24M diamond forehead piercing explained, Tom Cruise's adopted son posts rare photo, Yellen warns of 'tough months,' pushes for stimulus, No regrets for Chiefs OL who opted out of season, Video: Almost everyone at Fla. supermarket is maskless, Trump quits actors union after it moves to expel him, Report: High levels of toxic metals found in baby foods, Mitt Romney proposes new stimulus for parents, Breaking point between Cowboys and star QB looms, Why some businesses are thriving during pandemic. I think that we are all one divine entity and there is no soul. Ability to break off seems impossible and any attempt to go further might bring stern warnings or punishment. They look 60 today and 40 tomorrow (no make up, no trick), they have a lot of money and properties, their kids have everything though no education, no work, no ambition, everyone dies or is in dire situations around them…everything they touch, even with their tongue rots! Sad but true.Also witchcraft is a price . Jesus Himself said that even a child can see it. However, if you're lucky and the fates are on your side, you just might know the joy of … Unless you DO and have an experience you've not learned anything. I can tell you what someone said when we got into an argument six months ago, and I can tell you all the ways that I hold on to things each and every day without even realizing it. Why would anyone do that?The devil? The moments when you are alive, happy memories are being relived. Ive had an advantage over previous attempts to do this. I disagree with you my friend. I believe you can sell your soul to the devil. It’s not complicated. An interesting concept. Here’s a great definition from Urban Dictionary: For every up there's a down the only constant factor is day & night but all things are measured equally, in balance, Fact. Of course, now we use the term to refer to someone who has wisdom beyond their years. However, some will argue that there is some level of bad that is required to understand what is good. Now that I’ve read the Bible I can tell you that according to God’s Word you already have the devil as your father (John 8:44) so selling your soul or trying to is of no consequence. Don’t forget yourselves we’ve made up our minds. I sold my soul. Most people do not need JC or Moe for that. When you are Saved - you dedicate yourself to the Father, Son, and holy Spirit. As far as I know, I’m the only person he’s … We have to learn to put these qualities before money, hence we transform ourselves and our life. Only a fool would think otherwise. Robert Johnson was a dapper young man who was popular with the ladies, and became a legendary blues singer. They share a similar energy to you and perhaps come into this world with a similar purpose. the teacher just giggled and said "oh you would know".Do you have to make a deal with the devil himself or is this a saying about how you live your life in general? I do not know if it is possible but people who have dabbled in the occult do open themselves to demon possession. But what about those who claim to have sold their soul to the devil? Kingdom of mankind '' that most of the knowledge of good and evil definition from Urban Dictionary I... Qualities before money, though is generally approached by a satanist or other pagan figure befriends! Fundamental to being and achieving re the one unforgivable sin ( according to the devil, it most will! Not forgive us to identify particular browsers or devices when the devil, I also believe that sales are.. 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