That's Arthur on the front of the paddle board. The Safety of Solo-camping Recently had some friends back out on me on a camping trip we were planning for this weekend so I'm considering trying solo-camping for the first time. As always, follow safety rules, keep it secured, and follow the law. The Right Camping Gear, or: What You Need to Take for Your Solo Camping Trip 1. Unfortunately nothing can guarantee your safety when it comes to encountering bears while camping. and join one of thousands of communities. I have one of the Anker 13000mAh power banks, trust me, it's a much better option. I had wandered about a mile east of my site to get some water and came back well after dark and got utterly lost. [–]remyg6 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (1 child). According to Backpacker, “in the 2000s, there have been 27 fatal incidences so far in North America, resulting in 29 deaths. via Camping for Women. Power sources. KM 82: A documentary on the porter voices of Peru’s Camino Inca. Not sure how much protection it would give me in the back country but it makes me feel better. • Tent or hammock – if you’ve got lots of gear, don’t necessarily opt for the 1-man tent, think about comfort and a little extra space too [–]tincankilla 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). ~Tracey . I camped in Corpus Christi and traveled through the towns alone. Hey Campit! Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. However, as a single woman traveling alone, I have learned how to take care of myself so that the journey can be pleasant and enjoyable. In a tent, there is no physical protection from man or beast. Quick run down of helpful takeaways from my solo camping trip last weekend: Safety: I brought all of this stuff with me out hiking as well Knife (or several) I kept one in my pack, a big one in the van, and a small pocket knife in my pocket at all times Super bright flashlight I'm… How one woman shatters convention to live the life she loves traveling in her car. A subreddit for campers concerned more about the act of camping and less concerned about hiking long distances or light gear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The last thing I’ll mention is never exploring a new trail system solo without heavy research, a downloaded map, or heavy traffic and good trail marking. Having a knife and multi-tool on-hand makes it easy to get things done around the campground. 5. My #1 rule is always tell someone where i am going. [–]StonerMeditation 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago* (0 children). Tips, trip reports, back-country gear reviews, safety and news. Thanks again for bringing this important topic to your readers, too! Safety concerns for first-time solo camping at Assateague Nat'l Seashore. I backpack on the Ozark trail and try to stay overnight at campsites (Sutton Bluffs is an awesome one). That is never appearing to be solo. [–]Vaguely_Reckless 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). ... Safety Gear for Car Camping. [–]SandD0llar 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (1 child). only worried about having. Article by Rick Groves. [–]jhulbe 7 points8 points9 points 5 years ago (0 children), Ozarks like north arkansas? Now that you know the incredible benefits of solo camping, you are almost ready to embark on your journey and reap all the rewards of this time to yourself. ", [–]Kirjath 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children), Just go up and talk to people about what they're doing in the area. Actually that charger looks like it's potentially a better option for shorter (shorter as in under 2-3 days) - it's smaller, weighs about the same, and is cheaper - while it's on sale, anyhow. While solar is a great idea, that's just it, it's a great idea. Going to the Ozarks? Notify Pt 3 - the larger, better staffed parks will have park rangers here and there. No friends to push the car for you :-). So far, consumer implementation is just awful. It's a pretty nice area of the country to camp. Camping alone is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Yes but how does it even come about to begin with? And if you hike alone – there is no one to share the burden. Leslie on August 26, 2016 3:30 pm. For solo trips I take a spot gps with me. Long solo road trips are the best part of my life. I turn my cell off because, y'know. There's always one person in a group who is gregarious and wants to hang out with strangers. I always take a knife too. Backpacking & Camping in Bear Country 369 Reviews 369 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars Bears are magnificent creatures and it can be exciting to see one—from an appropriate distance. You are not alone! Know where the hospital is. And so it's worth taking a moment to look at how to deal with some of these situations. I'm planning on camping three nights solo in Assateague National Seashore. Been traveling most of the summer on and off in between apartment life!Sharing the adventure! I pulled a LONG trip down to South Padre Island and Brownsville about a month ago. 9 Essential safety tips for solo camping as a woman. The issue is that, living on the Gulf Coast where the weather is far from comfortable for outdoor camping, my plan was to drive 8 hours north to the Ozarks. Notify Pt 2 - Stick a copy of your planned itinerary in your car somewhere kinda out of sight (you don't want people knowing just how long you'll be away from your car), but not so well hidden that someone looking for you can't find it. This weekend you should be especially good. Know where the grocery store is. Read on for some key tips from each hiker. A PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) I carry this Garmin Mini on my pack in case I need it, but I also keep it close by while driving. and so my initial confidence in staying safe and sound on this trip is eroding. Or they just suggest you fully charge it at home before departing on a trip, which negates the utility of a portable solar panel in the first place. I can be your safety contact :). That reminds me, I sleep with a heavy frying pan next to me if I’m extra anxious because I know I’d be able to whack someone with it and as you mentioned, pulling a knife on someone sounds a bit intimidating. Where to Go Camping. When you are at your site, put out an extra chair, grab your extra pair of shoes and jacket and put it near the chair, I’ve even pulled out 2 cups as a car drove by while i was pouring wine. Some people don’t think solo adventuring is safe at all but i think if you are prepared it can be a liberating experience! I hear there's great beach camping in your area. Large solo male backcountry adventurer here- I so, so wish there was something I could do to make vulnerable people in the backcountry feel safe. However, it is important that you know what you are doing in the wilderness before setting out on your own. Enjoy. I doubled-back to my watering hole, managed to lose my headlamp, and have a moderately severe panic attack, only to learn that I was about 2 miles from my site when I got lost. Solo Camping Safety Rule #2 Stay in Cell Phone Reception Range. Some may think I’m being a bit crazy by doing all these things but it has always helped me feel safe and able to enjoy the outdoors on my own schedule. Planning, and planning correctly, means you will be safe, means you will have packed right, and means you have a safety net should something go wrong. Charging these via solar (which, of course, they suggest) takes 12+ hours, usually more than that. [–]raburned 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (0 children). Can you give me a quotable example of how to do this? Will postpone the trip for now to a weekend in the near future when I have things more organized and the right equipment. [–]MegaHz 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). I'm in Pcola and would take you up on some camping in the future. Give them a copy of your rough hiking plans as well. So if they don't hear from you, they can take action. [–]Kirjath 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (6 children). Hi all, I’m a 21F and i wanted to start a post sharing the precautions i take to ensure I’m extra safe on my adventures and allow others to share their tips below as well! Car camping and off Starry goes. Know where the mechanics are, and do a quick yelp search to see who the shitty ones are. You will feel much more connected to nature. [–]Kirjath 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (8 children), other folks who welcome me into their camp fire to chat more often, how do you manage this? As I was walking outside to adjust my solar panel on the ground, I suddenly tripped over an unseen stump that was directly in the middle of my campsite. Don’t overlook you and your family/friends safety and I’m sure you will all have a great camping trip. I am camping or hiking with friends, and do far less solo camping than I did in the past. Knowing this, I'll tell my contacts, "Hey, I plan to leave on X day, but I might stay one extra day. Although flat water canoeing is generally a very safe activity, if things do end up taking a turn for the worst, being out on the water means that situations can become very serious very quickly. It's a good safety precaution, and then you'll also have an excuse to gush about your adventures as they happen. This list contains my suggestions for safe travel and solo road trip ideas for any woman who enjoys solitary journeys. Camping for Women Find the phone numbers to, in particular, the mechanics so that if you have auto problems, you know which one you can have the tow guy take you to. It might sound scary or even dangerous (did you read Wild by Cheryl Strayed or Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer?). What you're describing is nowhere near as remote as I go and those are the only precautions I take. With these items, I’ll at least have the gear I need to cut wood and rope or mend what gets torn or busted. Just be careful. I think it could scare some animals off, thanks for the suggestion! Big Caveat: Now in this time of social distancing and COVID-19, you might be thinking about taking your first solo hike. Given the fact that I go camping on a motorcycle it's just a big bowl of badassness. There won’t be anyone around to help shoulder the load, so you should be good with all the standard camping skills (pitching a tent, building a fire, navigation) and then some (wildlife and plant know-how, basic first-aid training, MacGuyver-like abilities to … Solo car camping tips to feel safe on your next road trip. never tried it. Rendered by PID 24683 on r2-app-02b75a4abaeedb597 at 2020-12-24 20:29:00.622083+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: US. Humanity’s enthusiasm for camping is also endless, though, so make your campground reservations well in advance. By avoiding travel, we avoid spreading the disease. Relying on the kindness of strangers keeps me in beer and conversation. Tell them where you'll likely be parking, also. The last time I had been backpacking was on an ill-fated weekend in 7th grade, but despite my inexperience I was determined to go. Hard work but tons of fun. Well in this case, always stay safe while you’re out camping alone. Life isn't a script. I generally try and stick to places I know. I guess I just don't give off a strong 'murderer' vibe. However, there is one last thing: read over the below solo camping tips, and follow what they say to ensure your camping trip is safe and enjoyable. How foolhardy of a plan is this? Etc. One of the popular articles I have written is about this very subject. My parents have my location but i still make sure to provide specific details of my plan and how long it should be until i contact them again. But in all relativity, I doubt you would get far enough from help on single day hike to not see anyone (unless you left all of the trails). An online site that covers public lands nationwide is A photo from my first winter camping adventure! Yeah it’s not very fun at times, i don’t think men go out of their way to make it look like they’re camping with a partner if solo. Things go wrong, be prepared to improvise. Recently had some friends back out on me on a camping trip we were planning for this weekend so I'm considering trying solo-camping for the first time. 9. Sleeping in the car allows you to lock yourself up at night, access to drive away in seconds if something happens, and it can stay a bit warmer in there during the colder months. Some places there were others camping around, often young people, but even some at my age (60+). a bear bell and bear spray get rid of all your food before you go to bed and know how to set up your tent before you go camping, In Canada you won’t be able to do this! Preparation, ettiquete, rules, camping gear, food, safety and comfort; Activities to do when camping with dogs Ideas and gear suggestions; Dog camping gear for cold conditions; Why camping with dogs is so much fun. Just don't try to hit on the one girl at the campsite (or guy) because you're going to get daggers stared into you. [–]alucard_3501 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). I always feel like such a nutter that I don't even try. Last year I ventured on my first solo backpacking trip, much to the concern of my friends and family. Just don't leave stuff laying around at the campground while you're gone. watch out for weirdos!" All these are great comments. For my first solo camping trip I drove 11 hours north to Acadia National Park on the coast of Maine. On the last day of my solo camping trip people suddenly started arriving on the lake (see #5). My #1 rule is always tell someone where i am going. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Mar 22, 2020 - Tips and tricks for solo camping like: solo camping safety, safety guides as a women camping alone, solo tent camping tips. Beach camping at Grand Isle State Park, Louisiana. If you're concerned about being up there alone, private message me and I will give you my phone number to get a hold of me in case you need help, but generally the camping community is comprised of pretty helpful people. The Ozarks is a pretty sunny region, but you're right, he might be in tree cover for part of the journey. [–]SandD0llar 34 points35 points36 points 5 years ago (4 children). They came with their coolers and their kids and their conversations and their laughter. Reactions: melbolt65, DomC and caoutdoorsman. and I'm on may way, maybe pick up the pace a little. Don’t hike alone. Protection from the latter is a matter of good camping practices such as keeping your campsite clean and either putting food in a car or sealed barrel. I life around here! I have been solo several times and I think the most important thing to know is your comfort and skill level. If weight isn't a huge issue, consider getting a small solar panel to keep your phone charged. Check in with them while you still have cell signal. I want to share the joy of hiking, making camp, with someone. Getting outdoors is good for the soul and when I solo camp I’m able to take it all in on my own terms and pace. Solo-hiking and camping can be incredibly rewarding when done safely! I am riding from baton rouge. $399.95 FreeLite™ 1 Ultralight Backpacking Tent Ultralight & ultra-packable for mission-driven trips & the freedom to tackle it all. I just changed spark plugs and oil on my bike and will be checking tires tomorrow. While there are many campsites that are so remote there is no cell phone reception, there are many with great reception and this seems to get better each year. As I watched my friend Bettine prepare for her first solo camping trip, then heard about her experience once she returned home, I knew that this was a solo travel story that needed to be told. All of north America in which a bear has attacked a group who is gregarious and to... 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