One of the places in Scripture where we read about grieving the Holy Spirit is in Ephesians 4:29-32. Second, we grieve the Holy Spirit when we pit him against the Scriptures. Our sin stops His work. The Holy Spirit’s work is to serve. What Is the Significance of the Road to Emmaus? How can I experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit? If you have, by faith, received Christ as your Savior, then you have the Holy Spirit. The one who doesn’t have the Son of God does not have life. Many are led astray when they think they are following the Holy Spirit but in actuality they are simply following their own desires, some other person’s desire for them, or a false spirit. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. But what makes the Holy Spirit sad or sorrowful? And everybody who belongs to Jesus also has the Holy Spirit! 3 Surprising Ways We Grieve the Holy Spirit. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”. There are people whom you may not be able to love easily. Since the Holy Spirit is the only agency given to bring us to conviction, if we permanently reject Him, our case is thereafter hopeless. the holy spirit doesnt leave the body once its there. Otherwise, we are grieving the Spirit. So once we have been reborn by the Spirit, can we ever lose Him again? Why Is God So Different in the Old Testament than He Is in the New Testament? 1. The Spirit is meant to be the source of conviction in human hearts. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit – It is deliberately rejecting Christ, rejecting His message and gift … If the holy spirit has departed from you, there is nothing you can do for the spirit to return, It was G-d gift to you ; but, if one after having received the spirit and then go back to the things of the world and not having obeyed the commandments and in communication daily with him, the spirit will depart no repentance will bring it back. Example: person Spirit filled in 1920, and leaves God in 1922, does the person still have the Spirit lets say in 1960? When we close our eyes to this light or disparage what we are meant to see by this brightness, we are guilty of resisting the Spirit (Acts 7:51), or quenching (1 Thess. You may be struggling in manifesting one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit but in a person with the Holy Spirit, we see him/her fighting through the help of the Holy Spirit to manifest that fruit of the Spirit. But we have to compare that with other passages in the Bible. If you want to feel your own energy/Spirit, your heart, your deepest desires now, here are a few things you can do: 1) listen to this meditation to reconnect with your Spirit, your Inner-Master. To insist on exegetical precision, theological rigor, and careful attention to the word of God should never be denigrated as stuffing our heads full of knowledge, let alone as somehow opposed to the real work of the Spirit. There are, then, at least three ways to grieve the Holy Spirit—three ways that may be surprising because they correspond to the three ways in which the Spirit acts as a light to expose our guilt, illumine the word, and show us Christ. “Malicious behavior” speaks of ill will and plotting evil against someone. One can get the Holy Spirit, lose it, then refines one's self to get to a point where later in life you regain the Holy Spirit and this time do not grieve it and keep it within, for the remainder of your days. 1 John 5:11-13. or take your Holy Spirit from me. Once we have become God’s child through faith, we receive the Holy Spirit, and God promises us that we will never lose His Spirit. Why Should We Try to Understand the Trinity? How secure are you? Marten Visser is the founding director of GlobalRize. If the Holy Spirit is grieved when we turn from righteousness to sin, how doubly grieved he must be when we claim the Spirit’s authority for such deliberate rebellion. The Holy Spirit is always the Spirit of holiness. How does this Bible passage speak to you? How about being authentically godly instead? The Holy Spirit also gives us spiritual rebirth (see John 3:5). The Holy Spirit is the guarantee for the believer that they will eventually be saved. Just as Moses had his face transfigured when he saw the Lord’s glory on Mount Sinai (Ex. He is a lamp to illumine God’s word, teaching what is true and showing the truth to be precious (1 Cor. Too often we make poor choices as Christians - decisions that disappoint the Lord Jesus Christ. I called my Spirit back. The Spirit means to shine a light on Christ; he is not envious to stand in the light himself. But the “truth” referred to in John 16 is the whole truth about everything bound up in Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. The interesting story is told of a great eagle who spotted the carcass of a calf being swept along the Niagara River on an ice floe. 2:6-16). The “grieving” of the Holy Spirit, while tragic, is most certainly forgivable. But we must not think we can focus on Christ too much, or that when we exalt Christ to the glory of God the Father that somehow the Spirit is sulking off in the corner. Does God Give Prophetic Dreams to Us Today? Automatically. Love is the greatest evidence that you know Christ. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. The Holy Spirit can then do His work in our lives. Some take issue with the word lose and say that, while a Christian cannot lose the Holy Spirit, he or she can forfeit the gifts and salvation He brings by a willful renouncement of Him. There may be slight nuances among the three terms, but they all speak of the same basic reality: refusing to see and to savor what the Spirit means to show us. All believers have the same spirit—the Holy Spirit. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation. There is no place in the Christian life for supposing or suggesting that careful attention to the Bible is somehow antithetical to earnest devotion to the Holy Spirit. No! Repent. What does it mean to "Grieve the Holy Spirit?". Sometimes Christians will cite the promise in John 16:13 that the Spirit “will guide you into all the truth” as a reason to expect that the third person of the Trinity will give us new insights not found in the Scripture. Were Old Testament believers saved by Jesus? The sad thing is that bitter people rarely want to keep it to themselves. But the Holy Spirit will give you the power to love them. Instead of speaking evil of someone, we are to “be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.”. One of the places in Scripture where we read about grieving the Holy Spirit is in Ephesians 4:29-32. Try the acronym T.H.I.N.K. Acquiring the Holy Spirit happens at salvation. 5:5, Ephes. Father!”” (Romans 8:15, ESV) Sinning — and even in-your-face backsliding — is a condition we should never take lightly. In 15 short lessons you will learn God's message for you in his Word. Yes, it is a terrible thing to be ignorant about the Spirit and unwise to overlook the indispensable role he plays in our lives. It's true before you begin to launch your ministry, you should wait until you receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but you can receive the experience right this minute if you put action to your faith. In four different places Paul said that the Holy Spirit is sealed within us (2 Cor. Besides the English page, Biblword also exists in 25 other languages on Facebook. We now have around 550 people from all over the world involved in GlobalRize’s ministry. What Difference Does the Trinity Make to How We Understand God? The Bible speaks of “a root of bitterness defiling many” (see Hebrews 12:15). And do not grieve God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live…. Also read How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Ministry of GlobalRize. Perhaps you have asked yourself the same question. If the symbol of the church is the cross and not the dove, that’s because the Spirit would have it that way. 1. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Which means literally: … No effort involved on your part other than surrendering to Jesus and accepting His free gift of salvation. He declares what he is given; his mission is to glorify another (John 16:14). We see it when people—whether genuinely deceived or purposeful charlatans—claim the leading of the Spirit as the reason for their unbiblical divorce, or for their financial impropriety, or for their new found sexual liberation. You will start going back to your former behaviours and back to the worldly things! When a person is "Born Again" or becomes a true Christian, they receive the Holy Spirit and He dwells in them forever. The Spirit works to reveal the truth of the word of God, not to lead us away from it. Some Christians will experience this darkness in their life more than others, but every Christian will experience this in some way or another. But that doesn’t make Christians lazy people who already have their salvation in their pocket! Look, all of us have been hurt in life, but we have a choice as to how we react. To be filled with the Spirit means to be controlled … “Slander” is speaking evil of others behind their backs. In Hebrews 6:4-6 we read: “For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding Him up to contempt.”. The Spirit, speaking for the Father and the Son, would help the apostles remember what Jesus said and understand the true meaning of who Jesus is and what he accomplished (John 14:26). Guess what? He can’t leave no matter what. We now offer a 100% free, Internet based Bible course. The apostle Paul writes: “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Ephesians 1:13 is more specific about the exact moment we receive the Holy Spirit: "In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit." A very frequent internet search is: how do you know if you have grieved the Holy Spirit? Please share your thoughts below! There are times I feel that I don’t have joy, and I get on my knees and say, “Lord, where is the fruit of joy in my life?” "You'll see the words in your mind that God wants you to speak." The Holy Spirit is often described as light. Sometimes people think of the Holy Spirit as more of an “It” than a “Him.” But according to Scripture, the Holy Spirit is not only God, but He has a will, a personality, and can even be offended! He means to show us our sin not to excuse it through subjective feelings, spontaneous impressions, and wish fulfillment disguised as enlightened spirituality. Since we did not “find” the Holy Spirit, it is doubtful that we can “lose” Him. It is passing the point of no return. The only way to get your spirit back is to take small steps towards your vision. I and the Father are one“. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, When did it become “cool” for preachers to speak this way from a pulpit? At the moment you give your life to Jesus, if you haven't already–or at the moment you gave your life to Jesus, if you already did–you receive the Holy Spirit from God. They live for conflict, arguing, and fighting. Once grieved, how can you get back your enjoyment of God? Does Paul contradict himself? Third, we grieve the Holy Spirit when we suggest he is jealous of our focus on Christ. I have been trying to understand a teaching about the Holy Spirit. How sad it is, therefore, when Christians try to use the Spirit to support ungodly behavior. But many believers confuse “having the Holy Spirit” with “ being filled with the Spirit.”. Yet Jesus also warns us: “Remain in Me, as I also remain in you” (John 15:4). And the same apostle Paul that we quoted earlier, also warns the people he writes to not to lose what they have gained. The Bible is the Spirit’s book. Instead, they spread it around. Foul and abusive language makes the Holy Spirit sad. (See 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.). You are living like a sinner when you should be living like a saint! And the Spirit throws a spotlight on Christ so that we can see his glory and be changed (John 16:14). Some are falling down, claiming that they are “drunk in the Spirit.” Dear friend, if you feel demotivated or stuck lately, the immediate solution is perhaps calling your Spirit back. We can be like the moneylender Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, demanding our “pound of flesh.” We can say, “They did this to me; therefore I will have my vengeance!”, Or we can believe God when He says “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”, It is said that Augustine had a sign on his wall that read, “He who speaks evil of an absent man or woman is not welcome at this table.”. The Spirit, then, is a light to us in three ways: by exposing our guilt, by illuminating the word of God, and by showing us Christ. the next time you are not sure whether or not you should say something. Even David is praying this way after committing adultery about not losing the holy spirit (Psalm 51-10) 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. But since this offense results in … It means to cause sorrow, pain, or distress. For example, when you listen to Paul in Romans 8:29-30, he clearly teaches that getting saved is from the beginning to the end the work of God alone, like a golden chain stretching from eternity to eternity: “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. You are not to speak this way—privately or publicly. I have a question for you. The Holy Spirit can love through you. Stephen Covey from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People says to schedule your priorities, don’t prioritize your schedule. Paul concludes Ephesians 4:32 by saying, “…just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”. However, we can remedy that by confessing our sin and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide or control us. Judas must have experienced something of the spell of being in the presence of Jesus! That’s why 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks of becoming more like Christ by beholding the glory of Christ. In some charismatic meetings today, you can find people “laughing” like hyenas, “barking” like dogs, “clucking” like chickens, “mooing” like cows, and “roaring” like lions; all of these supposedly under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Forgiven people should be forgiving people. Grieving the Holy Spirit is when you displease God in your Christian walk, when your conduct does not match your identity in Christ. Exulting in Christ, focusing on Christ, speaking much and singing often of Christ are not evidence of the Spirit’s dismissal but of the Spirit’s work. In John 6:37, Jesus says: “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away“, which means: What the Father gave to His Son Jesus, Jesus will never lose again. It’s quite clear in this statement that believers, upon receiving salvation (i.e. In this way the Spirit of God can work in a proper manner. You Can Be Sure the Holy Spirit Is Actually Speaking to You When You Are Being Shown How to Exalt Jesus. I repeat that you can only obey God when the Spirit is convicting you to come. Repent is from the Greek word "metanoeo" Click for original meaning. This means that the Spirit is responsible for the truths the apostles preached and that in turn were written down in what we now call the New Testament. The apostle Paul writes: “Don’t use foul or abusive language. All three persons of the Trinity are fully God, yet in the divine economy the Son makes known the Father and the Spirit glorifies the Son. Bitterness makes the Holy Spirit sad and sorrowful. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead you in this life, and He will now be the One to take complete charge of your life and guide you as to where He will want you to go and what He will want you to do so you can fully accomplish everything that God will want you to do for Him in this life. Some people just like to be mad. Fits of rage and uncontrolled anger make the Holy Spirit sad and sorrowful. Resisting the Holy Spirit is terribly dangerous because it so easily leads to total rejection of the Holy Spirit, which is the sin God can never forgive. All true believers possess the Holy Spirit as a seal marking them as a child of God. For example in 1 Corinthians 15:2 he writes “Otherwise, you have believed in vain“. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. As you can see from the above verses, the Holy Spirit will still be here upon earth after the Rapture, but not as the Comforter of the church (that specific ministry will be over, because the church will be gone). In some Bible passages, it seems that we can lose the Holy Spirit. Anyone wishing to honor the Spirit would do well to honor the Scriptures he inspired and means to illuminate. 5:19) or grieving the Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14, Ephes 4:30). And does Jesus contradict Himself? Verse 29 says, “Don’t use foul or abusive language.” The word used here speaks of something that has gone “rotten.” This includes obscene language, profanity, dirty stories, vulgarity, double entendres, etc. But that doesn’t mean He is in control of your life! Some people would say this is being “real” or “authentic.”. First, we grieve the Holy Spirit when we use him to excuse our sinfulness. What Does it Mean That the Word of God Is Alive? It is important for us to better understand the person of the Holy Spirit. Yet in the same gospel Jesus warns us to remain in Him (John 15:4). True, but neither do you or I—yet God still forgave us. Those signs will follow you when the Holy Spirit has left you; loving the world will come back, pleasing the flesh, pleasing the world, the lust of the eyes, fruits of the body ,the pride of life. What does the Bible say about confession and forgiveness? Marten is a pastor from The Netherlands with long years of experience as a missionary in Thailand. “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! As J. I. Packer puts it, “The Spirit’s message to us is never, ‘Look at me; listen to me; come to me; get to know me,’ but always, ‘Look at him, and see his glory; listen to him, and hear his word; go to him, and have life; get to know him, and taste his gift of joy and peace.’”. 34:29; 2 Cor. No, this is not correct. He shines into the dark places of the heart and convicts us of sin (John 16:7-11). “Rage” speaks of the person who is easily angered and who raises his voice—shouting and screaming. and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 1:21-22, 2 Cor. 11 Do not cast me from your presence. accepting Jesus as personal savior), we then (simultaneously) receive the Holy Spirit and He permanently stays with the believer and thusly the believer is eternally ‘sealed’. 2. When a person backslides and leaves the Church Does the Spirit still remain in the person? That is why a Christian can say: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7:21-23). The one who has the Son has life. The best I can tell you is that where we’re concerned God is the ultimate expert at separating the believer from the behavior. There are people in the last judgment who will say to Jesus: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?” But Jesus will answer them: “I never knew you. Copyright © Jesus says something similar in John 10:27-30: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. you can grieve the holy spirit by sinning but it wont leave. The Spirit will unpack the things that are to come, insofar as he will reveal to the apostles (see v. 12) the significance of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and exaltation. He speaks only what he hears (John 16:13). The definition of bitterness is “an embittered and resentful spirit that refuses to be reconciled.”. So, for example, if you sin royally then you lost your salvation and God will take His Holy Spirit back from you … 3:7), so will we be transformed when, by the Spirit, we behold God’s glory in the face of Christ. Biblword is a ministry of GlobalRize. If you cannot see not one but all the fruits of the Holy Spirit in a person or congregation, the Holy Spirit has departed. I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. This, as with all sin, only gets worse if left unchecked and unrepented of. John writes to Christians so that ‘you may know that you … Once we have become God’s child through faith, we receive the Holy Spirit, and God promises us that we will never lose His Spirit. Today, allow me to focus on one that can be committed by believers—grieving the Holy Spirit. We trust the Bible—and do not need to go beyond the Bible—because the apostles, and those under the umbrella of their authority, wrote the Bible by means of the Spirit’s revelation. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified“. 3. Those signs will bring a life of self and a sinful life. In other words, God has already given you the Holy Spirit, who now lives in you and in every believer in Christ. To say that the Holy Spirit does not dwell in the backslider, is also the same as saying you believe in a gospel of works in which you must perform and do good deeds to be accepted by God. No, in our deepest tribulations and fears, we may hold on to these wonderful promises, that our salvation is entirely Gods work and He will carry on the good work He began in us until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). Sinai ( Ex for you in his word make poor choices as Christians - decisions that disappoint the ’! 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