Place each trimmed, soil-free geranium into a separate paper bag or potato sack. THANKS FOR THE HELP.. Yes, you can - and I've successfully kept my geraniums indoors for the past three winters. After my father died last year, I took up the care of the plant. I have grown 5 young geraniums from this plant by placing a 5″ branch in water in a windowsill. Not having a sunny basement window, or warm-enough garage, I keep the geranium in a sunny family room window where it thrives all winter. Prune back to healthy shoots near the base of each plant. You can find information on how to plant amaryllis in a pot in our article on How to Grow Amaryllis Bulbs Indoors at Cut half of the upper plant growth off your geranium, using pruning shears. We don’t dig them out or water them at all – they start sprouting on their own and once it is warm enough in April or May and there isn’t much chance of frost, we take the pots back outside and cover at night when necessary. In the spring you can plant the new plants outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. If yours are already in containers, you get to save a step! Please Help me!!!!!!!! Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Missouri University Extension: Geraniums—Saving Over the Winter, University of Minnesota: Outdoor-Indoor Geranium Culture. IF I CUT THE STEMS OF THE GERANIUMS THAT I KEPT THROUGH THE WINTER DO I TRY TO PUT IN WATER & GET ROOTS AND THEN PLANT OR CAN I JUST PUT SOME IN A POT AND KEEP WET WILL THEY GROW WITHOUT IF KEPT INSIDE FOR AWHILE. You can also take cuttings in the fall, and keep the small potted plants on a window… Geraniums are one of the most popular container and garden plants. Dig up your outdoor geraniums before the first hard frost. I live in zone 6, and have a potted geranium plant that used to belong to my brother, who died in his mid 30s in 1995. Water your geraniums once a week, or when the surface soil becomes dry. Again, they cannot be watered from now until end of May when I return. If you love geraniums, and hate to see them killed by the frost this fall, then learn more about growing geraniums indoors. One will put your geranium into dormancy, but if you have a bright sunny spot in your house, you can pot your geranium and let it continue to grow and bloom inside throughout the cold winter months. You just can’t beat their bright colors and sturdy, well-shaped foliage. I live in the North of England and the answers/advise I have seen are for America. Inspect your geraniums early in the spring. Move your potted geraniums outside in the spring, after the last frost. Sometimes they stay a little green and sprout new shoots. It takes weeks but once the roots mature, I plant in a pot for other members of my family. Overwintering Geraniums by Growing Them Indoors Geraniums make decent winter houseplants if you can provide them with plenty of bright light. We have been successful at bringing the geranium pots into the heated garage (kept at about 45-50 degrees), before the first frost, stored atop high shelves. Potted geraniums can simply be moved indoors during the winter. They don’t get much direct sun due to the overhang and many trees. and put the pots directly in the pools, in front of a south facing window. Known as over-wintering, this process involves digging up garden perennials and moving them into a cool, yet sheltered environment for the winter. I’ve already clipped them back by a half. Water the cuttings whenever the soil becomes dry. No matter how big. Some say hang them upside down? Plants in the genus Geranium are also commonly used in gardens, but are typically referred to as hardy geraniums or cranesbills.) Some were in pots around the pool and some were in the ground. I forgot to add that I don’t put them outside in full sun at first. Save the cuttings and root them to make more geraniums! Store your bagged geraniums in a cool basement, cellar or garage, as long as your storage space does not reach freezing temperatures. Place in a bright window out of direct sun. if the freeze would ruin them. Why not take cuttings and enjoy throughout the winter? I just don’t have the room to do this, nor do I want the mess. Gerri, the garage might work, depending on how warm it is, or you can bring them into the house. When you are potting your geraniums check the plant and leaves, both top and bottom, for insects. This will provide enough light for getting geraniums to last over winter indoors, though the plant may get a little leggy. Geraniums are one of the most popular container and garden plants. 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